Cracked Hard Dash Repair.

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Jun 3, 2002
The forward, hard plastic part of my 9 year old Caravan dash board cracked this summer.

Does anyone have a trick up their sleeve for a decent repair? Epoxy? Silicone caulk?

a trick up their sleeve for a decent repair?

No quick fix, the plastic has had it. Professional recover or replace is the only way to do a decent repair.
Thanks for the replies so far.

The part I am looking for is called the instrument panel top cover. Looking at my FSM (excellent investment), the cover comes off super easy. A new one is about $250 online.

I am going to check the junk yards.

The Ace kit might work if I strengthen the part underneath first with some epoxy repairs. Again, the cracked part is hard plastic, not padded vinyl.

I plan to sell this van in the next year, so I will consider the repair costs vs. possible resale value (if any).
Originally Posted By: JHZR2
I saw two in my 2.5 day trip out there this past week!

Then its confirmed, they are about as popular in CA as they are in Jersey, not at all, and I can see why, they aren't the most attractive accessories for any vehicle.
Originally Posted By: gary031
Originally Posted By: JHZR2
I saw two in my 2.5 day trip out there this past week!

Then its confirmed, they are about as popular in CA as they are in Jersey, not at all, and I can see why, they aren't the most attractive accessories for any vehicle.

Cant say Ive ever seen one in NJ. But of the 10 or 15 cars I saw up close in 2.5 days, I saw two.

On another topic, has anyone ever used those permatex type kits that fill cracks and then texture them? How has it turned out? Id imagine blending is going to be really tough...
Originally Posted By: gary031
Originally Posted By: JHZR2
I saw two in my 2.5 day trip out there this past week!

Then its confirmed, they are about as popular in CA as they are in Jersey, not at all, and I can see why, they aren't the most attractive accessories for any vehicle.

They arent made to be attractive, they protect the dash BEFORE it cracks. UV rays = brittle plastic.
Originally Posted By: JHZR2
On another topic, has anyone ever used those permatex type kits that fill cracks and then texture them? How has it turned out? I'd imagine blending is going to be really tough...

They were heavily advertised back in the 70s. By the time I got around to looking for the kit in the 80s, a merchant told me the product was discontinued because it didn't work.
Actually, it started in the 60s when they went from metal to padded dashes. As long as we have padded dashes, we'll have cracking problems.
Originally Posted By: Spector
get an estimate, free, from a pro detail shop. they repair these every day and it may not be as expensive as you may imagine

great idea
I'll take a wild stab at this....ever heard of a ptex candle? They're used to repair gouges in the bottom of snow skis. You can get them in black. When you light one, they begin dripping liquified black plastic. The trick is to keep it close to the dash and minimize the amount outside of the crack. Let it cool then gently scrape off any on the surface with either a really sharp wood chisel or a cabinet scraper or sharpened ski scraper.

I used to repair my own skis years ago and learned this from a ski shop. Best to try first on another piece of cracked plastic until you get the hang of it.
Yeah, dashes still crack. My G35 dash is cracked, my FX dash has been replaced, my buddies IS350 dash is cracked and my coworkers Acura TL dash is cracked. The oldest of them is 2006.

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