Convention or Blend in this vehicle?

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Nov 14, 2006
My wife uses are minivan during the day, and it typically runs short trips of 5 miles or less, some even as short as one-half mile to the school and back. I change the oil in this van every 3 months to be on the safe side since it gets so many short trips in extremes of hot and cold temps and would like to know if I would gain any benefit using a blend or the conventional oil I use now?
The short OCI regime is probably the best option in that it keeps the detergent & TBN levels up and gets the sludge precurssor contaminants drained out of the engine.

Any chance Castrol is specifically marketing Syntec Blend at the minivan/short-trip crowd?

Castrol Syntec Blend Webpage

- The "soccer mom" in this picture has to be legit, as she's even holding the ball!

Does the engine require a 5w30 or 5w20 ,more info.

The engine requires 5/30. It has the 3.3L.
Is there any real world benefit to using a blend over a conventional with the many short trips this van gets?
I agree with triple7 I would use a conoco syn oil tropartic or mototcraft very good price for a syn blend and stay at severe service .
Than you for all the replies, but what I'm trying to find out is if there is any "real world" benefit to using a blend over a conventional since I'm going to dump it at 3 months and continue my OCI's in line with service service conditions???
I still think the short OCI route, with a major brand 5W-30, is the best, practical approach.

TropArtic/Motorcraft is technically a syn blend due to the 10-40% Grp III mixed in with the relatively low VI Grp II base stock. But like most syn blends, a relatively small amount of Grp III base stock is not a magic cure-all for the short trips problems.

If the syn blend route is your choice, I'd suggest running UOA's with the Dyson Analysis option & get Terry's opinion on how the syn blend is faring with insoluables, fuel dilution, etc.
I think conventional oil should meet your needs just fine. A low priced syn blend like motorcraft or trop-artic would also be a good choice, but i would't spend the money on a high priced synblend.
The Motorcraft is only pennies more than conventional. Almost a dollar less than Castrol syn-blend. For such little miles, you could go with any SM/GF-4 oil and the engine will get you 300K.... including el-cheapo Super Tech, Meijer or Craftsman oils too.

The only way to tell which oil protects YOUR ENGINE best, is by doing a UOA afterwards. The engine built right before yours - or the one right after yours may not like the same oil & viscosity yours does.
The real world benefit of a blend is that less VII is needed to meet the multi-vis requirements of the oil, which reduces the sludge formation. The blend also improves cold-flow properties and oxidation resistance of the oil. It will not help with your short trip driving.

However, I will say this: the old formula Schaeffer's blend has shown to be one of the best oils to run if you have fuel dilution. IMO it shows excellent UOAs under these condtions. That is why I started using it. Don't know about the new formula, but I would certainly try it.
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