Chrome with AdBlock

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Sep 15, 2002
Scottsdale, AZ
Anyone running these and notice there have been ads popping up over the last couple of weeks? I searched their site info and it states they are letting more ads through. You can still "opt out"..., but you can't! I've selected the appropriate options as suggested (no change from what I had before, actually) and still get ads.
So much for a good thing. I wish they had an option to be completely ad free if you choose like before. Rant off.
Originally Posted By: LeakySeals
Yep, google/chrome users gettin what they deserve. A monopoly that can bully and bribe the competition, even ad blockers. The more people use google related products, the worse its gonna get.

Google is not the only one out to make a buck.....
Originally Posted By: SLCraig
Originally Posted By: LeakySeals
Yep, google/chrome users gettin what they deserve. A monopoly that can bully and bribe the competition, even ad blockers. The more people use google related products, the worse its gonna get.

Google is not the only one out to make a buck.....

No kidding, everything on the internet is here to make a buck. Nothing is free including internet trolling. Your paying for access, website owners paying for hosting. The problem is power and control. Whats going on here.
My (possibly incorrect) understanding was that one could pay the maker of AdBlock to place oneself on a whitelist that could be overridden by a user, but by default was bypassed by the AdBlock's filters.
I had some pop up but went and re-added my filter lists along with unchecking and rechecking the "allow non intrusive ads" setting. Seemed to have gone back to normal, now.

What site are you seeing the ads on, I want to test mine.
Thanks for the info as I found out I was using ABPlus, not AdBlock. It seems like it has more control and I was able to adjust some things.
The only ads that I found exceptionally annoying, that simple AB blocks, are the lead-in ads on YouTube. Those are exceptionally irritating. I do agree that advertising revenue pays the bills, but there is a limit. Check how much TV time is devoted to commercials compared to even five years ago. And, this is TV that most of us pay to have. Capitalism assumes people are going to prostitute themselves for money, but enough is enough.
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