Changing diet

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Jun 8, 2002
Elizabethtown, Pa
First of all, I am 69 Y.O. and excerise 6 times a week. 5'9" 143 pounds. My wife is same age. Somewhat inactive and probably 30 pounds overweight. Not excessively heavy.

She has done numerous WeightWatchers. Through all of this I have come to see that Carbs are a problem (pastas, breads, cereals, etc).

So fast forward 30 grams of extra Protein. We were both deficient. Wife gets hers mostly by a shake of 4 oz egg white and 6 oz 1% milk. I do 1 egg and egg white in the morning and a Whey, Soy, and 1%milk shake. Also natural peanut butter on a Matzo

I am to the point that my mood, energy are noticably better. This morning I had zero coffee and feel great. Now I did start a statin bc by colesterol was too high. My numbers came back yesterday. Total 174, LDL 93, and HD 64. So the ratio of Total/HD is 2.7. (lower is better and 3.5 is "ideal"). Tryclicerides are 83. But maybe the best news is that my sugar was 87!! That is always over 100 for me.

The other part of the story is a book we are reading..."Wheat Belly Total Health" by William Davis. The gist of his book is that Grass Grains (wheat, oats,rice, etc) are bad whether they are whole grain or not. Gluten is only part of the Picture. Its very complicated and I am always the first to dismiss books like this. But this book is different.

Thats about it. Feel free to criticize but it works for me in every way possible as evidenced by labwork.

If one person here tries this and it works I have acomplished a great service.
You're paying attention to the temple that's your body. I don't see who could be critical of that.
The only criticism I have of the "wheat belly" craze is that without such grains, we'd still be nothing more than a bunch of hunter-gatherers. With any type of progress, there are downsides, but do we choose to accept them, or not?
Having too many processed foods is bad. Unfortunately, we know how to make those taste good and very cheaply. They also last for forever, so month-old stock will taste the same as fresh off the line stock.

Everything in moderation, including moderation.
I've been following Dr Davis for years - wheat is very addicting and not good for you. I don't eat bread or pasta anymore except on a very rare occasion. I have pizza 2-3 times a year. My diet is based upon the book "Protein Power" by Dr Eades. I started April 1st, 2010 and I'm down 90 lbs to 255. I lose about 5 lbs per year now while still eating well. Lots of eggs, chicken, steaks, tuna and chili (low beans or no beans). Plenty of fresh veggies, just watch the carbs and keep my sugar to once per week.
Originally Posted By: Garak
The only criticism I have of the "wheat belly" craze is that without such grains, we'd still be nothing more than a bunch of hunter-gatherers. With any type of progress, there are downsides, but do we choose to accept them, or not?

He does explain the Hunter/Gather issue and essentially the Early HunterGathers did not eat "Grass Gains". The Human Digestive is not set up to properly digest "Grass Grains". It gets complicated and he thoroughly addresses this issue.

Again.....I am in no position to validate this information. For now I will take his information on faith. And I suppose you can call it a craze, but who is to say a craze may not be valed.
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I'm always pleased to see someone taking care of their body, although I usually roll my eyes at mention of the current fad diet, whatever that may be. I work with a couple of gals who will latch on to every one they can find.

My current favorite is the people who claim gluten intolerance to sound more interesting, with coconut oil obsession as a close second.
Originally Posted By: Garak
The only criticism I have of the "wheat belly" craze is that without such grains, we'd still be nothing more than a bunch of hunter-gatherers. With any type of progress, there are downsides, but do we choose to accept them, or not?

Carbs are cheap - that's why poor people are fat. Big Agriculture keeps them sick and Big Pharma keeps them alive with drugs so they can buy more. Agriculture has been around for only 10,000 years - sadly, our bodies have not evolved enough yet to eat it continually and safely. Almost every modern ailment stems from over eating poor food, especially wheat & sugar. You have a choice, choose wisely.
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Both my wife and me have made it a point to take care of ourselves. I'm not convinced that whole grains are the boogey man that some fad diet authors and gurus make them out to be, but if it makes you feel better then by all means follow it.

I've never found carbs, in moderation in an otherwise healthy diet, to be an issue. Rather it's people who consume a large amount of carbs that don't get off the couch and exercise.

Since you're so concerned about your health, I'm surprised that you actually started taking statins given the host of rather nasty side effects from them. Muscle breakdown, liver issues, digestive issues, type 2 diabetes and neurological issues can occur, and are even more prevalent if the statin user is over 65.
Originally Posted By: Pop_Rivit
Both my wife and me have made it a point to take care of ourselves. I'm not convinced that whole grains are the boogey man that some fad diet authors and gurus make them out to be, but if it makes you feel better then by all means follow it.

I've never found carbs, in moderation in an otherwise healthy diet, to be an issue. Rather it's people who consume a large amount of carbs that don't get off the couch and exercise.

Since you're so concerned about your health, I'm surprised that you actually started taking statins given the host of rather nasty side effects from them. Muscle breakdown, liver issues, digestive issues, type 2 diabetes and neurological issues can occur, and are even more prevalent if the statin user is over 65.

I'm with you on this. I just don't believe grains are a problem until you strip away the fiber. My whole family eats lots of pasta and rice, but mostly whole grain. We don't have a weight problem but then again, about half our diet comes from the produce section and no refined or processed foods. If you want to figure out whats bad and good for you, just follow around the fat people in the grocery store, then follow around a slender 50 something'll see the healthy diet is based in the produce isle. The people really struggling with weight in the country will have shopping carts full of processed foods devoid of fiber and of course, lots of sugar.

My other take is this, and its math based. If you take in just 10 extra calories a day, over the course of a year, thats a pound on you. Now do that for the first twenty years of life, at 20 your 20 pounds over weight. 10 calories is about an extra block of walking each day. Ever watch people circling to get the closest space in a parking lot? We should all be searching for the farthest space from the door.
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5' 9" and 143 lbs, seems a little underweight, but I am no doctor. I am 69 yrs old, 5' 9" and weigh 185 and they consider me slim at the VA. I weighed 140 lbs back in 1970 when I got out of the Navy. I was really skinny looking then. I am in good health at the moment,,,,cross my fingers, lol.
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I'm not even half the age of some folks on here, but we do try to moderate and eat a balanced, whole diet. It's rare that we eat breads, pasta once in a while, but we do take other items like quinoa and cous cous (which I guess is some sort of a pasta). Id much prefer lentils and beans. We also eat a pretty good rotation of red meat (beef and lamb), white(ish) meat (pork, turkey and chicken), and wild caught fish. Fish, beef and chicken are the most common for us though. We're really big on vegetables though, especially from our own garden. I love the Brazilian steakhouse all you can eat meat fest as much as the next person,mout generally we abide by the comment from Thomas Jefferson that meat should decorate the selection of vegetables on your plate (or something like that).

The issue I have is a sweet tooth. Some things like ice cream will become freezer burned before we eat it all, but something like homemade oatmeal cookies? Not only will I get a craving but it's tough to stop. Fortunately store bought stuff doesn't entice me as much,mans my wife is a check and balance as she won't necessrily make them. But I do get that sugars are addicting and create strong cravings. Breaking that can be tough.
Well, I'm in my late 60's and I eat what I want,, but believe in moderation in everything. I get a physical every year and am 6' 190lbs, and Doc says everything is fine. I try and do the 10,000 steps a day. Got a FitBit for Christmas, and it is a neat little gadget. You just have to do what you feel works best for you.
Originally Posted By: montero1
Fruits, nuts, vegetables. Simple.
+1 yep it's not rocket science that people make it out to be.
It sounds like a good read.

I believe there's merit in what the author says, but I'm more of an everything in moderation guy.
Originally Posted By: JTK
It sounds like a good read.

I believe there's merit in what the author says, but I'm more of an everything in moderation guy.

Well a search around the web and there are so many differing opinions. Many sources (WebMD, Dr. Weil) say there is no evidence that wheat is such a boogieman. Like everything in diet, seems way too hard to get a straight answer. I have a feeling it sells lots of books too.
Originally Posted By: Pop_Rivit

Since you're so concerned about your health, I'm surprised that you actually started taking statins given the host of rather nasty side effects from them. Muscle breakdown, liver issues, digestive issues, type 2 diabetes and neurological issues can occur, and are even more prevalent if the statin user is over 65.

The problems you mention "can" occur but they are unlikely and then (usually) to a minor degree.
I had a complete blood profine 6 months after starting the statins and the only change that they saw is that my Blood Sugar Number significantly Improved.

The key is monitor those issues. I go to a Teaching Medical Center. They and the Mayo Clinic say statins are overwehlimgly safe and can be taken for life. Everyone should do the research before taking them. But I understand where you are coming from.
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Originally Posted By: Al
He does explain the Hunter/Gather issue and essentially the Early HunterGathers did not eat "Grass Gains". The Human Digestive is not set up to properly digest "Grass Grains". It gets complicated and he thoroughly addresses this issue.

I'm not disputing that point at all. I'm just saying that that grass grains did help progress humanity. Lots of things that have helped progress humanity aren't good for us, especially if not used in moderation.
Im 53 years old, no prescription meds / high blood pressure pills, eat a balanced diet, take no vitamins or supplements, normal cholesterol level, etc...

Easy to watch your diet 6 days a week.
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