Can anyone identify these power lines?

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Originally Posted By: jhellwig
You are getting more emf from you cellphone and computer than what you get from the power lines.

Some perspective.

We're talking about two different non-ionizing frequencies here:
Cellphone = 800 MHz to 1.95 Ghz, which is considered UHF.

The cellphone power is very low, about 50 mW.

Power lines = 50 or 60 Hz which is considered VLF. Power is in MegaWatts.

From the video, I gather these lines are 400kV or so and the Electromagnetic Field is high enough to excite the phosphors in the Fluorescent tubes.

However, all studies I have seen show no health issues with VLF fields since they cannot heat tissue or cause genetic changes.

And the power levels involved in cell phones is too low to cause any tissue heating.

In the backyard picture, these line appear to be 64kV or higher.

Other than maybe aesthetics issues, there is no scientific study to show VLF fields cause any harm.
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Originally Posted By: SHOZ
I would guess 75kv 3 phase lines at the least.

Is that 75,000 Volts ?
Originally Posted By: Merkava_4
Originally Posted By: SHOZ
I would guess 75kv 3 phase lines at the least.

Is that 75,000 Volts ?

Yes. They just ran a line north of me for the local wind farm. The insulators are at least 3' long. I guess that one is 750kv or so.
We have those style structures in CT and most of our transmission lines are 115 kV. Those could be anywhere between 69 kV and 345 kV. (It's impossible to tell just by looking at them) Regardless, they're not going to cause cancer. The frequency is much too low. Note how gamma rays that do cause cancer are much higher frequency. Power lines are only 60 hz. I have a 115kV transmission line right across the street from my house and I have no concerns about EMF or cancer or anything like that.
Originally Posted By: SHOZ
Yes. They just ran a line north of me for the local wind farm. The insulators are at least 3' long. I guess that one is 750kv or so.

What would be the amperage on something like that ?
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