Brief Sun N Fun 2021 review

Feb 15, 2003
Jupiter, Florida
Wednesday, I flew my Cessna to Lakeland airport for the 2021 aircraft "fly in" called Sun n Fun. For those who don't know, it is a 1500 acre gathering of aviation enthusiasts, military static displays, vendors selling all manner of aviation goods and airshow performers. There is aircraft camping, RV camping, 4 hangars with vendors and so on. It's pretty big from one side to the other, and involves walking long distances.

Sun n Fun was cancelled in 2020, and I was excited to visit this year. It seems quite a few others were similarly excited, because there were plenty of small aircraft operators there. Unfortunately, a good number of vendors did not show up, and/or had a reduced presence. Also, there was no significant military presence on Wed.

So it was a 3/4 show with what seemed like full attendance and a very large number of small planes. Still, it was great to go and if find some free time, I'll go back before it's over.

I was fascinated to see a German drone company showing some drone engines. They had some really odd looking, opposed piston 2 stroke and 1 stroke engines. Along with a self scavenging, two stroke spark ignition diesel (yes spark and compression ign) What an interesting design! Neat stuff!


Good to know. I’d been going to Sun n Fun for many years but it dropped off my radar recently. I’m going to head over this weekend.
Is there normally a big military presence all week? Their info says the Blue Angels will be there on Saturday and Sunday. I guess no practices?
Way back when my dad was a Rep for IIMorrow he used to have to work their vendor booth at S&F. He always called it 'Pain and Rain'.

Sadly I never got to go with him to it, would have loved to.
I miss Sun & Fun. My son who is an AF/Delta pilot was just beginning is journey to fulfilling his dreams of becoming a pilot when we started going. Never missed a year until he joined th Air Force. We've since moved away from Florida but my son's in-laws still live there and he tries to make it down during Sun & Fun. I miss being able to go and spend time with him like we used to.
Is there normally a big military presence all week? Their info says the Blue Angels will be there on Saturday and Sunday. I guess no practices?
In the past, there would be a C-17 static display, sometimes a C5, other large mil aircraft of various types and of course a bunch of fighters on static display. So this year was different in that regard, with nothing of note. The mil airshow performers always came later in the week if I remember correctly.

I want to go back so badly!
Nice. I went to Oshkosh in 2019 and I'm sure this summer will be the same there as S&F with reduced presence all around.
Check out this website:

Many of the engines they make were on display at SnF. They are very, very cool drone engines and small generators. Some pretty wild claims, that's for sure. One thing was clear, they had some superb componentry on display. I know 2 stroke engines well and the stuff they had was top notch.

I could not find pics of the "good stuff" online, and I'm sorry I did not take some pics.



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