bosch or wix?

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Sep 13, 2010
Southern New Hampshire
I am going to be buying a filter for my 2010 legacy and i dont know whether to buy a bosch or a wix, now i know everyone on here will automatically say wix because everyone loves them but i have both of them cut open and the bosch has 60 pleats where the wix only has 50 and the bosch seems to have a taller and slightly thicker media than the wix, but im not sure of the efficiency of the two or the micron count. so witch one should i use?
Both good filters, go with the least expensive.

The reason that the Bosch would tend to have taller/longer media is the Wix thread end bypass tends to take up more space in the can then the Bosch dome end bypass, IMO.
The Wix thread end bypass takes up too much space. You almost have to find an oversized, longer Wix filter to compensate.
I had forgotten about Bill's pics of his Subie filters. In this application, I'd choose the Bosch first.

Those pics are a good example of the thread end bypass taking space from the media in the can.
Originally Posted By: Bill in Utah
Photos of both the Wix and Purlator both off my Subaru.

By the way, Bill, that's a very pretty ruler.
Id choose the cheaper of the two. Both are good filters, Even a Fram would take care of you needs and both are much better than that.
Originally Posted By: heavyhitter
Id choose the cheaper of the two. Both are good filters, Even a Fram would take care of you needs and both are much better than that.

the bosch seems to be a much better buy
Originally Posted By: trabuccomlfrd
Originally Posted By: 5sfe91
How long are you running the oil/filter?

5,000 oci with m1 0w30

You've GOT to be kidding me. The same poster who lecturers everyone who pays more than you paid for an XG to run an M1 EP filter 10-15k+ is, as you have stated, over, and over, and over again, WASTING THEIR MONEY.

Yet you run M1 0W30 for all of a 5K OCI before dumping it?

My spring synthetic and filter OCI are BOTH intended for a 10k run, minimum. Yet you've had the temerity to lecture me, in post, after post, about how "foolish" I am for "throwing that money away" (that whole extra $3 or $4 on a 10k cycle) while you dump syn, that cost a whole [censored] of a lot more than my filter cost, after 5k while others here routinely run it 10k+. Wow. Just wow.

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