Blow Up At The Lawyers Office


$200 Site Donor 2023
May 5, 2018
WPB Florida-Maryland-Pennsylvania
I was at a lawyer's office doing some estate stuff and a husband and wife walk in.
It was just me and a few secretaries in the extended waiting room.
Their lawyer walks out with a big smile on his face and starts talking loudly that they are no longer in jail.
Repeats it several times with a big grin on his face and the guy's wife blows up saying you don't talk about
us like that in front of people we don't even know. She went into a tirade and walked out.

She took it way too far but thinking about it the lawyer should not really engage in this kind of humor as you
start thinking why are they really there? He could have waited until they reached his office.
Horrible discretion (well, indiscretion) on the part of the attorney.

Not sure I would keep that attorney - is he going to blab about your personal details to other people?

He's already demonstrated a complete lack of attorney-client privilege and an inability to respect other people's privacy.
Her going into a big tirade might be a clue as to why she was in jail.

Nothing like this happens at my wife's office but they don't do much criminal stuff.
Horrible discretion (well, indiscretion) on the part of the attorney.

Not sure I would keep that attorney - is he going to blab about your personal details to other people?

He's already demonstrated a complete lack of attorney-client privilege and an inability to respect other people's privacy.
The attorney might be happy with that. One way to get rid of her as a client.
The attorney might be happy with that. One way to get rid of her as a client.
Most retainer letters allow a lawyer to fire their own client - mine certainly do. One distinction is if there is pending litigation, the assigned trial judge has to let the lawyer out so as not to leave the litigant unrepresented.
Yeah he shouldn't have done that. But neither should she have exploded like that either. Rather unhinged and a clue as to why she was cuffed and booked.
I was at a lawyer's office doing some estate stuff and a husband and wife walk in.
It was just me and a few secretaries in the extended waiting room.
Their lawyer walks out with a big smile on his face and starts talking loudly that they are no longer in jail.
Repeats it several times with a big grin on his face and the guy's wife blows up saying you don't talk about
us like that in front of people we don't even know. She went into a tirade and walked out.

She took it way too far but thinking about it the lawyer should not really engage in this kind of humor as you
start thinking why are they really there? He could have waited until they reached his office.
Small sample. You should have seen last week! People are............well "low lifes" come in ALL forms. Rich, poor, degrees and shingled to uneducated and roofless. I imagine that's not a first there - I bet you are thinking twice about that law oriface.

I've seen a LOT in 63 years.

I stay on the property, but yesterday I went out BY MYSELF to Christmas shop (started early for once). You know, it was very pleasant. Not one low life.
Better Call Saul.

There once was this thing called civility in public places. It's mostly a myth now. Men have evolved backward, and reverted to beating their chests and engaging in testosterone contests, and women act far more like broads than ladies. Not a second thought is given to engaging in loud arguments in store isles or parking lots. Throwing whatever one has in their hands, or beating someone with it is more common than not. Even in an attorney's office, not only are the patrons one step above Cro-Magnon, but the attorney himself is a moron. These are just some of the reasons that I dread going to the store, or anywhere, really. I used to keep a lot of non-perishables in the house. Not anymore. One look in my pantry tells the story that I really just don't want to leave the house, for fear of falling victim to someone's mental-illness-fueled drama, or enduring a hit and run. They're really onto something with this whole food delivery thing.
There once was this thing called civility in public places. It's mostly a myth now. Men have evolved backward, and reverted to beating their chests and engaging in testosterone contests, and women act far more like broads than ladies. Not a second thought is given to engaging in loud arguments in store isles or parking lots. Throwing whatever one has in their hands, or beating someone with it is more common than not. Even in an attorney's office, not only are the patrons one step above Cro-Magnon, but the attorney himself is a moron. These are just some of the reasons that I dread going to the store, or anywhere, really. I used to keep a lot of non-perishables in the house. Not anymore. One look in my pantry tells the story that I really just don't want to leave the house, for fear of falling victim to someone's mental-illness-fueled drama, or enduring a hit and run. They're really onto something with this whole food delivery thing.
There are still some civilized locations in the US. If you stay out of large urban areas and its tentacles then you can have a pretty nice life. I have a friend who's neighborhood, supermarket and local city is so civilized, organized and unmolested, that it makes me want to get down on the ground, like the Pope, and kiss the sidewalk.