Are these Roaches?

Aug 30, 2004

Parents were complaining of “cockroaches.” I didn’t see any, but I went ahead and sprayed the outside perimeter of the house and the inside perimeter of the garage (after moving out all items) with Demand-CS. After less than 24 hours, the above showed up. Are these ”sewer roaches” or are they a more aggressive species?
We had some hitch hike on our clothing after visiting friends and they got established in our rural home 2 decades ago. We discovered them early and were able to eliminate them with just glue traps, no pesticides. While excellent sanitation is helpful, they are survivors. Their egg cases hatch about one month after deposited. Not sure how long they can lay dormant. Include glue traps in your arsenal - placed in many dark locations.

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Biggest problem with the German ones is, they like to build their nests in the walls, which makes them hard to eradicate once they get established. Bait stations can help, the roaches take the poison back to the nest and kill everything in it-but sometimes it takes multiple bombing/fogging to get rid of them.
If they are rather large, like 1-2", they are what we in Texas call tree roaches. They do not normally live and breed indoors, they live and breed outside, and they are solitary. They come into the house looking for water when it is excessively dry outside so you will typically see them where water is present.
German roaches are the smaller species that live and breed indoors in large numbers. They are after food so you will typically see them in kitchens or areas where pet food is stored.
Boric acid to roaches is like an exorcism of them.
Years ago I worked in a building with a german roach problem. They were coming out to the baseboards into the hallway. So on my day off I took a Dirt Devil vacuum and boric acid to the apartment. I treated all the baseboards with boric acid and kept the vacuum on. The fridge had dead roaches in it and under it. Every drawer was full of them. Closet had nest of them. I vacuumed all afternoon. When done all that survived from a fully furnished apartment was a laundry basket, some dishes, and a boom box.

Regarding bombs. I always read not a good idea. Just makes roaches scatter. Sticky baits, gel bait in tubes or the motels, putting food in containers and keeping apartment very clean worked best.