Any comments on choosing traction-enhancing material - grit - to add to floor or stair paint?

Apr 14, 2021
Say for outside concrete entrance steps, or for a basement utility room which can get wet.

Looks like there are several types retailed along with outdoor paint and floor paint/epoxy.
The different product "grits" are variously described as aluminum oxide, rubber, plastic (polyethylene or polypropylene).
Didn't see silica products on the first web search, but have vague recollections of a grandfather sprinkling (probably beach sand) in at some instinctive ratio when painting his outside front steps.
I would stick with aluminum oxide. The compressive nature of rubber or plastic makes me think it would fatigue the paint coating under pressure, and not last nearly as long.
It does seem like that or silica would make a better bump in the surface. (But - if there were kids around here - probably worse for skinned knees... :) )
I bought this once. Claims it has powerful heat insulation properties.
It seems like fine sand. It’s held up very well, on an outdoor stair rail. It does help increase the grip, and makes for a thicker and durable paint coating.
Other than that, I’ve felt like I bought snake oil.
You can search for nanosphere paint additive and come across others.