Another McDonald's hot food burn lawsuit.

Apr 27, 2010
Suburban Washington DC

The story says, But McDonald's was found not negligent for causing the burns. If so, why was the plaintiff awarded $800,000? And if the premise of the allegation that a McNugget landing on your leg causes severe burns, why aren't these lawsuits filed very day from people putting them in their mouth and getting burned?

The story says, But McDonald's was found not negligent for causing the burns. If so, why was the plaintiff awarded $800,000?
This is explained in the linked article.
And if the premise of the allegation that a McNugget landing on your leg causes severe burns, why aren't these lawsuits filed very day from people putting them in their mouth and getting burned?
The burn was not caused by the hot piece of garbage landing on the little girl's leg. Read what the article says.

The problem is that many people don't take responsibility for the dumb crap they do. Maybe they are so dumb they do need warning labels on everything. "Warning! Hot food will burn you given a chance."
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If I am not mistaken and my memory serves me right when it made the news at that time was when the kid starting crying the mother immediately got her cell phone out and started recording the incident before she did anything. Wonder why the mother did not help the child right away vs recording???:unsure:
The original coffe lawsuit we have all heard of had merit. The coffee was hot enough to give a lady 2nd or 3rd degree burns and required surgery to remedy.

This one seems similar in the sense that a hot nugget got stuck between the child's leg and the car seat which resulted in 2nd degree burns.
If I am not mistaken and my memory serves me right when it made the news at that time was when the kid starting crying the mother immediately got her cell phone out and started recording the incident before she did anything. Wonder why the mother did not help the child right away vs recording???:unsure:
Probably had some ice, eh ?
This is explained in the linked article.

The burn was not caused by the hot piece of garbage landing on the little girl's leg. Read what the article says.

The article said the burn WAS caused by the hot McNugget getting stuck between her leg and the car seat. The jury found McDonalds not negligent for causing the burns; however, they awarded $800K for not putting a warning label on the food package. we need to tell morons that fried food is hot!

Next thing you know, Dairy Queen will lose $1 million judgement for not labeling a frozen Blizzard as being cold, potentially resulting in "brain freeze". I can see the DQ appeal now...appelate court overturns $1 million dollar award for causing brain freeze because it is obvious the injured plaintiff has no brain! LOL 🤣
The article said the burn WAS caused by the hot McNugget getting stuck between her leg and the car seat. The jury found McDonalds not negligent for causing the burns; however, they awarded $800K for not putting a warning label on the food package. we need to tell morons that fried food is hot!

Next thing you know, Dairy Queen will lose $1 million judgement for not labeling a frozen Blizzard as being cold, potentially resulting in "brain freeze". I can see the DQ appeal now...appelate court overturns $1 million dollar award for causing brain freeze because it is obvious the injured plaintiff has no brain! LOL 🤣
Don’t forget bilingual to match the ambulance chaser billboards here
In what world does a parent give a child , food that is hot enough to burn them , and THEN blame the restaurant for the results ? Yeah I know ...
When our kids were young they could fish the toy out and stay busy with that until the happy meal got to the happy kitchen table …
What is usually not discussed in these stories is the fact that the reported incident is not the first one and McDonalds should have been aware of the danger, and did nothing about it.

McDonalds certainly knows it sells food to be consumed by children. And, that it is handing food out to people in cars who may drop it on themselves. Food hot enough to cause second degree burns is too hot to safely hand out through a window to unsuspecting customers.
I just cant see the nugget retaining enough heat after going from the oil, into the packaging, into the bag, into the drive thru and delivered to the customer ? Thats at least 15 minutes in most Mickey D's :rolleyes:
Eventually we'll see a cautionary consumption label on all foods served. It'll say something like ...

CAUTION! Food inside this container may (be):
- Hot enough to cause injury
- Cold enough to cause injury
- A choking hazard
- Contain anything that would trigger allergies
- Morally reprehensible
- Emotionally debilitating
- Initiate a need to retreat to a safe space

It'll be on the package right next to the Prop 65 label, because everything causes cancer.
The article said the burn WAS caused by the hot McNugget getting stuck between her leg and the car seat. The jury found McDonalds not negligent for causing the burns; however, they awarded $800K for not putting a warning label on the food package. we need to tell morons that fried food is hot!

Next thing you know, Dairy Queen will lose $1 million judgement for not labeling a frozen Blizzard as being cold, potentially resulting in "brain freeze". I can see the DQ appeal now...appelate court overturns $1 million dollar award for causing brain freeze because it is obvious the injured plaintiff has no brain! LOL 🤣
My employer had to add a “WARNING! SHARP KNIVES” thing to the labels of our boxes of sharp knives…. Because someone somewhere was careless and cut themselves with a knife. So yeah, my faith in humanity is pretty low.

What is usually not discussed in these stories is the fact that the reported incident is not the first one and McDonalds should have been aware of the danger, and did nothing about it.

McDonalds certainly knows it sells food to be consumed by children. And, that it is handing food out to people in cars who may drop it on themselves. Food hot enough to cause second degree burns is too hot to safely hand out through a window to unsuspecting customers.
It is your duty as a parent to make sure the food you give your child(ren) is at a safe temperature. Never once have my wife or I ever just thrown a bag of food at our kids and said “here!”, we check to make sure it’s not piping hot. Because yknow… not doing so is pure negligence on our part IMO.