advice for '05 Mustang GT

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Jun 24, 2005
Sanford, Florida USA
Hello everyone,

I'm a new member (first post!), although I've been reading various forums with interest for a while. Although some boards on the Internet are long on opinions and short on facts, there seems be a wealth of knowledge among those that frequent BITOG. Now that I've sucked up a bit
, allow me to proceed with the topic at hand.

What I'm looking for is some good advice as to a "game plan" for lubrication. I realize that no oil is "best" for all conditions or all cars, so I'd like some learned opinions with my needs in mind. Some info:

My car: '05 Mustang GT, 4.6L all-aluminum 3 valve V-8, 5 speed manual transmission.

Driving conditions: Florida heat, over 90 deg. six months per year. Daily commute 52 miles total, of which about 35 are highway. However, in the afternoon, around 10 miles of that "highway" driving is stop and go on the interstate through Orlando, in 90+ heat and A/C full blast. I don't drive this car hard all the time, but hey, it's a Mustang GT, so I reserve the right to do an occasional blast through the gears. I don't plan to drag race it, and at least through the warranty period, don't plan to add any speed parts. Might add one or two afterward, though. My primary goal is long engine life, since I plan to have this car for a long time.

Was told by a trusted local mechanic that 5W-20 "required" by Ford is totally inappropriate for this climate. He recommended Amsoil TSO 0W-30.

I changed the factory fill at 1000 miles, since I've always been told to change oil in any new motor (car or lawnmower) early the first time. Was told by my trusted mechanic to not put synthetic in until at least 3000 miles to allow for break in. Last weekend, at 3500 miles, I changed to TSO 0W-30 and a Wix filter.

From reading this board, I gather that since this engine is new, I shouldn't try to get too ambitious as far as extended drain periods. That's fine... I'm not looking to be lazy about changing oil, but don't want to change expensive oil more often than necessary, either.

So, what do you guys advise going forward, as to oil type, filter type, and OCI (early on, and later in life). Also, give me some ideas about UOA's, as far as how soon on this new engine, and how often going forward?

Sorry this is so long, but I wanted to provide plenty of information for my specific needs. Besides, if I "get" you guys at all, plenty of you would enjoy sending someone like me in the right direction. Thanks all, in advance.
Info overload is always better that the poster with "uhhh, I have this car, and, uhhhh, I need some oil, and......"

This forum has its share of opinions, but a lot more fact than fiction though.

Congrats on the new Mustang.

I can recommend either MotorCraft FL-820S (is that still used on the 4.6?) or Wix filters.

I would have put in M1 5-20, but AmsOil is good too, though I do not know if it meets API SM specs and marked with the "StarBurst".

It should be good for at LEAST 5000-7500 miles.

This Forum really likes German Castrol 0-30, though I have yet to use it.

They like GC because it's Castrol's only "real" Synthetic.
In that climate I'd definitly run a Xw-30 weight oil. The Motorcraft filter is a very good inexpensive filter (the word "cheap" don't apply here lol). If you want to run synthetic, I'd go for either M1 5(or 10)w-30, or even the new Pennziol Platinum synthetic. It looks to be a pretty good oil, and is usually cheaper than M1. Of course, there is always the's what I have in my Grand Am
The M1 5w-30 made my engine noisy, a common problem amongst alot of us BITOG'ers, but it may or may not be an issue in your engine. Give it a try, see what you think. Also, with your driving, 5K would be no problem at all with any quality syn.

Originally posted by rainman:

Was told by a trusted local mechanic that 5W-20 "required" by Ford is totally inappropriate for this climate. He recommended Amsoil TSO 0W-30.

You're asuming he knows more about oil and Ford engines than every engineer that works for Ford.
M1 5W20 or any of the GF4 5W20's will be fine.
I know there are a lot of xW-20 advocates on this board, but I am not one of them. For your application, I would ignore Ford's CAFE motivated 5W-20 spec and go with a XW-30. As you are using Amsoil TSO, I would expect you'll see good results, but as per usual an oil analysis would be prudent going forward.

Originally posted by rainman:
Hello everyone,

I'm a new member (first post!), although I've been reading various forums with interest for a while. Although some boards on the Internet are long on opinions and short on facts, there seems be a wealth of knowledge among those that frequent BITOG. Now that I've sucked up a bit
, allow me to proceed with the topic at hand.

What I'm looking for is some good advice as to a "game plan" for lubrication. I realize that no oil is "best" for all conditions or all cars, so I'd like some learned opinions with my needs in mind. Some info:

My car: '05 Mustang GT, 4.6L all-aluminum 3 valve V-8, 5 speed manual transmission.

Driving conditions: Florida heat, over 90 deg. six months per year. Daily commute 52 miles total, of which about 35 are highway. However, in the afternoon, around 10 miles of that "highway" driving is stop and go on the interstate through Orlando, in 90+ heat and A/C full blast. I don't drive this car hard all the time, but hey, it's a Mustang GT, so I reserve the right to do an occasional blast through the gears. I don't plan to drag race it, and at least through the warranty period, don't plan to add any speed parts. Might add one or two afterward, though. My primary goal is long engine life, since I plan to have this car for a long time.

Was told by a trusted local mechanic that 5W-20 "required" by Ford is totally inappropriate for this climate. He recommended Amsoil TSO 0W-30.

I changed the factory fill at 1000 miles, since I've always been told to change oil in any new motor (car or lawnmower) early the first time. Was told by my trusted mechanic to not put synthetic in until at least 3000 miles to allow for break in. Last weekend, at 3500 miles, I changed to TSO 0W-30 and a Wix filter.

From reading this board, I gather that since this engine is new, I shouldn't try to get too ambitious as far as extended drain periods. That's fine... I'm not looking to be lazy about changing oil, but don't want to change expensive oil more often than necessary, either.

So, what do you guys advise going forward, as to oil type, filter type, and OCI (early on, and later in life). Also, give me some ideas about UOA's, as far as how soon on this new engine, and how often going forward?

Sorry this is so long, but I wanted to provide plenty of information for my specific needs. Besides, if I "get" you guys at all, plenty of you would enjoy sending someone like me in the right direction. Thanks all, in advance.

Motorcraft FL820S and Mobil 1 10W30 or Red Line 10W30...I change my Red Line at 5,000 Mi. intervals.

You can also run a K&N Perfor. gold filter.

You'll be fine with either a 5W or a 10W oil. Don't exceed a 30 weight oil, otherwise you'll loose power.

check out

Originally posted by mf150:


Originally posted by rainman:
Hello everyone,

I'm a new member (first post!), although I've been reading various forums with interest for a while. Although some boards on the Internet are long on opinions and short on facts, there seems be a wealth of knowledge among those that frequent BITOG. Now that I've sucked up a bit
, allow me to proceed with the topic at hand.

What I'm looking for is some good advice as to a "game plan" for lubrication. I realize that no oil is "best" for all conditions or all cars, so I'd like some learned opinions with my needs in mind. Some info:

My car: '05 Mustang GT, 4.6L all-aluminum 3 valve V-8, 5 speed manual transmission.

Driving conditions: Florida heat, over 90 deg. six months per year. Daily commute 52 miles total, of which about 35 are highway. However, in the afternoon, around 10 miles of that "highway" driving is stop and go on the interstate through Orlando, in 90+ heat and A/C full blast. I don't drive this car hard all the time, but hey, it's a Mustang GT, so I reserve the right to do an occasional blast through the gears. I don't plan to drag race it, and at least through the warranty period, don't plan to add any speed parts. Might add one or two afterward, though. My primary goal is long engine life, since I plan to have this car for a long time.

Was told by a trusted local mechanic that 5W-20 "required" by Ford is totally inappropriate for this climate. He recommended Amsoil TSO 0W-30.

I changed the factory fill at 1000 miles, since I've always been told to change oil in any new motor (car or lawnmower) early the first time. Was told by my trusted mechanic to not put synthetic in until at least 3000 miles to allow for break in. Last weekend, at 3500 miles, I changed to TSO 0W-30 and a Wix filter.

From reading this board, I gather that since this engine is new, I shouldn't try to get too ambitious as far as extended drain periods. That's fine... I'm not looking to be lazy about changing oil, but don't want to change expensive oil more often than necessary, either.

So, what do you guys advise going forward, as to oil type, filter type, and OCI (early on, and later in life). Also, give me some ideas about UOA's, as far as how soon on this new engine, and how often going forward?

Sorry this is so long, but I wanted to provide plenty of information for my specific needs. Besides, if I "get" you guys at all, plenty of you would enjoy sending someone like me in the right direction. Thanks all, in advance.

Motorcraft FL820S and Mobil 1 10W30 or Red Line 10W30...I change my Red Line at 5,000 Mi. intervals.

You can also run a K&N Perfor. gold filter.

You'll be fine with either a 5W or a 10W oil. Don't exceed a 30 weight oil, otherwise you'll loose power.

check out

also, Corvette, Viper, SRT4, etc. come from teh factory with synthetic (mobil 1), so you're mechanic is from the old school, I see!

Originally posted by tenderloin:
Cover your A$$. Use an oil that meets Ford specs for warranty. After that, then do your thing.

I have had warranty claims on my 03 mustang GT, which is a 12.9 second car in n/a trim. I'm using GM synchromesh in the tranny and Red Line 5W-30 in the engine. I am having my tranny rebuilt under warranty with gm synchromesh in the sump. I wouldn't sweat a higher viscocity oil. as long as the car has oil in the sump, you should be fine as far as the warranty goes.

also, I changed my oil out at 250, 500, 1000,3000 and 5,000 mile intervals on synthetic. then every 5,000 after that.
5-20 is OK, and 5-30 is almost certainly better for you [Florida heat!].
Remember, the engineers didn't design the engine for the light oils, but were told to make them OK with them, or certify them OK with them.
Or do you believe that - "Yes, 5-20 is the most outstanding sauce available - in no conditions would anything else be better!"?
First of all
and congrats on a great new car. Now to the point, I think you should use the recommended 5w-20 while under warranty to avoid any issues should there be a problem. Use the Mobil 1 5w-20 if you want synthetic but the Motorcraft, Pennzoil, Castrol 5w-20s are good too.
I don't buy the "Florida is too much for a 5w-20 oil" argument. Considering Ford, Honda, and johnny-come lately Chrysler Corp are all now recommending 5w-20 oils, I'm sure they've given at least a passing thought that a few of their cars (
) will be sold in Florida and other warm climates. These oils have proven to be shear stable, and have yielded great results for applications calling for them.

My advice - use any 5w-20 you choose (Motorcraft, Pennzoil, Mobil 1,....) with a Motorcraft, Wix, or PureOne filter. Then do UOA's to see how your engine responds. If the "Florida sun" is too much for your choice, then you may want to consider going with a Xw-30.

Just my .02
I also have a 05 Mustang GT. I switched over to
5w20 Mobil 1 at 600mi and will change the oil and filter every 2500mi. I bought this car to drive it hard and I have no problem using 5w20. I live in Central California with temps. that get pretty hot in the summer also. Redline 5w20 might also be another choice, although a much more expensive choice. Keep the oil changed often and have fun with your car. This car is made to run. You need to worry much more about getting tickets than what weight oil in in the crankcase! Stay with what the factory recommends. 5w20 will work just fine.
Does this "trusted local mechanic" work at a Ford dealer? How many Modular Ford engines has he taken apart? Does Amsoil make a 5w20? He might be a "smart man" , but I think Ford's engineering staff knows what they are doing! Pick a 5w20 nad have fun!
The testing Ford put the 5w-20 through was extremely tough and the ConocoPhilips 5w-20 beat out the 5w-30 oil. Fatboymoe has a point.
On the other hand I think you can say that the TSO he is using will kill those XW-20's in the heat. Ford will not touch him. He's got one of the top 5 motor oils money can buy in his engine now. Why bother stepping down in terms of quality to placate nervous nellies???
Ford MoCraft 5-20 Syn Blend API SM in 5qtjugs are $9.88 at O'Reilys, + $3.50 for MoCraft filter = $15 OilChange w/tax.

This will work in hot weather.

I have seen people with Modular 4.6's in the forum and run 5-20 in South Texas, SoCal, SoFlorida, Georgia, AZ, etc etc.

MoCraft 5-20 is in my '01GrandMarq with no problems at 5k mile OCI's in South Texas heat.

Once an engine is at operating temp, it does'nt really matter if its 85F or 98F outside.

As far as I know, the engine will run hotter than the ambient outside air temp, and the oil will run at the same operating temp no matter what ambient temp is.

Those smarter than me when it comes to this stuff chime in please.
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