a forum's morale

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Dec 28, 2005
What i do not know VS. What i do know

1) about OIL

I remember being here 5 years ago and asking a question about mixing oil and oil additives. It was a silly question.

"You are mixing salad dressing!!!"
-- a member, more knowledgeable than myself


I'll argue that being clueless about cars does have an advantage. Because those who do not know CAN gain a lot from this forum.

2) about online forums

I have five years experience of Moderating/Administering a VERY tiny online forum -- very good but very tiny. It's based overseas. Same forum software as here. And we have used the same fatastic techie, SirDude.com. (he has totally saved our butts, btw)

But loosing my predecessor, having another retire, damage from a virus(1) and undergoing a change in ownership has left us in a very bad way. And at the moment I would be very embarrassed to draw attention to the horribly low numbers in our "Who's Online" window.

So wish us luck in getting S.E.O. and other stuff straightened out.

Now, back on the subject of this forum....

I did once notice a member post up something that i thought fell short of sheer brilliance.

But oh my gosh!!! You guys usually have roughly 100 members online at the same time!?!

Do you know how fast I found several other posts that I felt were worth responding to?

I don't want to discount the fact that you almost certainly have your own issues that i have never had to deal with.

But i will say that you have numbers to die for. And I ALWAYS find plenty of worthwhile posts here.

those are my thoughts,
see you on the forums,


(1) we had a virus, i'm not an IT pro but that's my educated guess
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