5 Lost in Crash of 1978 Piper Turbo Lance II in Nashville Adjacent to I-40 East

Jul 8, 2012
Dickson, TN.
This last night…

C-FBWH - Canadian registration.

First came through on the TV news channel apps as an automobile crash that resulted in the closure of the eastbound lanes of interstate 40.

This is along I-40; I pass this area daily on my commute from Dickson to BNA.

But then, we started hearing, through social media channels, that it was actually the crash of a small, single-engine aircraft.

Police: 'Several' dead following single engine plane crash near I-40 in W

ATC audio:

Prayers for the families of the 5 were lost in the crash.

Such a shame he wasn’t able to make the highway. There have been a few successful highway emergency landings lately, though, of course, there’s always a lot of risk with that.

I’m confused by the flight path. Flight Aware shows that he flew southbound right over John C. Tune Airport before hooking to his left (East). Possibly JWN wasn’t his destination? Or, maybe it was, and he simply missed it? This did happen after dark.


Reading the Wiki entry for this aircraft type, it’s the predecessor to the Saratoga, which, incidentally, was the type that JFK Jr. and his passengers lost their lives in. Nothing to do with this crash or anything inherent about this type - just interesting.
Sad it is the second plane crash that almost made it. Which is strange but It seems most problems seem to be on take off and landing.
Sad it is the second plane crash that almost made it. Which is strange but It seems most problems seem to be on take off and landing.
Most are.

At takeoff, the engine(s) are at full power, and under the most stress, so they tend to fail then.

Landing is complex, requires managing energy, and often configuration, so, errors tend to be made there.

People think they can land a plane with no training…when it is clear that people who have been trained to land a plane don’t always do a good job of it.
The worst part of flying a plane is when you crash it is on all the media . When you crash the 1000cc Motorcycle into the big Oak tree at the turn in the road doing 170mph it barely makes the news.
Mmmm... I would say the worst part of flying in a plane when you crash is.........too often you die.

The guy going 170 mph on public streets who crashes could be argued he brought it on himself.

The pilot of this plane reported engines problems and was likely just trying to put the plane down anywhere he could with what little energy they had left, and trying not to kill himself or anyone else while doing it. At night. Sadly he and four others perished while trying.
Of course, the investigation is not near finished, but it’s looking more and more like he accidentally overflew the airport in the nighttime flying conditions, and then, tragically, coincidentally, had an engine/power failure, and then could not make it back to the airport.

It has now been reported that there was another adult, and three children aboard. Probably the guys wife and children. 😣
It's the same seemingly unlikely scenario as the jet in Florida which almost completed a long flight without problems, but had engines go out very close to the intended destination airport.
In this case, what might have been wasn't and a family of five died. A horrible event.
We can only hope that they died quickly and without pain.
May they all rest in peace.

Some insight into the family that perished.
Saw that.

Worst nightmare for that guy, come true.

I messaged Juan Browne and he’s looking into doing an analysis of this crash on his YouTube channel.

I look forward to hearing it if he does one.

I drive by the crash site every morning.

Saw that.

Worst nightmare for that guy, come true.

I messaged Juan Browne and he’s looking into doing an analysis of this crash on his YouTube channel.

I look forward to hearing it if he does one.

I drive by the crash site every morning.

What a horrible tragedy.

I find this one very disturbing.