2000 Focus SE Sedan trunk lid.

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Nov 5, 2009
North Georgia
I need advice on how to proceed. My friend borrowed my car and slammed the trunk closed. It will not open. I believe the lock is unlocked as the key turns all the way to its stop and the sound from the remote lock solenoid indicates it is not locked. The open door indicator on the dash is lit which again leads me to believe the lock has unlocked but the latch has not released. I t is a four door car with folding rear seats but the latch release for the seats is inside the trunk. I tried to use a pry bar to force it open but I am trying not to damage the sheet metal etc. Any body encountered this problem? Where would you take the car to get it open? A body shop? The dealer? I have some stuff in the trunk I would like to get out but nothing I need immediately. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
Can you pry a gap in the rear seats like an inch? Stuff a flashlight through there? Can you see the trunk latch inside?

Put about four feet of socket extentions together and unbolt the latch from the passenger compartment.

I got a junky ford contour with the trunk jammed as you describe, I got inside through the non-folding rear seat, I just yanked a corner off and was able to get it back about like it had been before. I didn't have to unbolt the latch and truthfully forget what the problem was but was able to reset it and it worked from then out.

Fortunately there wasn't any stale milk or Jimmy Hoffa just a cool ice scraper brush that I probably still have.
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