Road Rage: Flip them off or Yell at them?

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Mar 17, 2008
I really don't get mad much. I have never flipped someone off or yelled at them directly. I have made loud comments about their driving to myself or passengers in my car.

How about you?
I am ashamed to admit that The Bird makes frequent appearances in my vehicle when I am driving.
Occurrence went up about 1000% after I moved to New England, this sure ain't the Midwest when it comes to people making at least a tiny effort to be halfway decent. I like to tell the locals that I love everything about NE except the people and they usually laugh.
No one wants to settle things with fists anymore. Too many weapons in the possession of tiny people with tiny egos
I'm so used to bad drivers that it's just become a normal thing. A friend of mine that lives in San Francisco said "if you can drive in Boone, NC you can drive anywhere". I try to worry about other things. Some of my pet peeves are not using turn signals, cruising in the left lane when not passing, and tailgating. Tailgaters will usually get a brake check if I'm in the mood. But my road rage has went down a lot in the last few years. I don't flip the bird. I don't yell at people (to their face, only to myself). And I don't try to "punish" bad drivers by chasing them down and brake checking or whatever the self-proclaimed "alphas" do these days. I just let them get as far away from me as possible.

We all make mistakes and there have been times when I've done something stupid that would've ticked me off if someone else did it. I just thank the Lord every time I make it to my destination and hope the next trip will be better.
I've done both. Best would be to do neither, some people are real pyschos and the last thing you want to do is elevate anything into a confrontation.
Convinced that the ones not glued to their cell phones are using-especially on late weekday mornings around here, I've had a few incidents where I was lucky not to be killed or at least totaled & in the hospital due to other drivers' heroin ODs. KY PDs were cracking down on them for a while, but that seems to have stopped.
Neither nor. I get a bit riled by some road behavior, primarily tailgating. But I suppress external reactions. Nothing gained by reciprocating.
Depends on my mood. If I'm chill that day and someone does something stupid near me in traffic, I let it be. If it's an errant violation of the space around my vehicle and done in a rude way, I'll let the other driver know it.

It's getting so bad around my area though. 90% of drivers drive aggressively/angrily, and a good many of them are almost out of control. Speed limits don't even matter anymore, nor do stop signs in residential neighborhoods. A red light now means you have 2 additional seconds of green. It's kind of troubling to me actually.
I saw someone recommend a good suggestion. Give them the thumbs down. I tried it a few times and it is a non-confrontational/aggressive way to communicate their error.
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^^That's awesome^^ And since they're all on social media anyway instead of driving, they'll be better at relating to the gesture.
About a month ago I saw a woman go down on a motorcycle. I pulled over to help. As I was walking back to help her another guy ran to her and helped her right her bike. He started yelling at me to just leave. I stated I just wanted to help and that he didn't have to be such a **** about it. I turn around and got back into my Jeep. As I started to drive away he yanked my driver door open and tried to swing on me. I just sped away wondering what kind of drugs this guy was on. He was acting like he was pumped up on something. I had my Wife in the car and was not going to put her in any danger. It's a crazy world out there at times.
I had a guy run me off the road. He got the bird. And left lane hogs(the right lane is the driving lane, the left lane is for passing) that are doing 50 in a 55 in the left lane (usually Canadians) when the usual flow of traffic is 65mph, and do it for 8 miles with 100 cars backed up behind them, absolutely get a middle finger out the window with a big F you and me staring at them for 20 seconds if I can get up next to them. Some people NEED to be told how stupid they are. They might not realize it.

I see so much stupidity on the road that I actually installed a dash camera. I’m planning on making a YouTube channel with some Ozzyman (crude) style commentary.
Avoid eye contact, don't engage in any sort of dialogue with the perp, drive away while slipping your hand onto your CC weapon of choice.
I scream and yell with the confines of my vehicle. Too many peple getting shot or killed by voicing their concerns to the other driver.
Why? So there are two knuckleheads driving?

Better to stay calm than to make things worse.

Originally Posted By: ZZman
I really don't get mad much. I have never flipped someone off or yelled at them directly. I have made loud comments about their driving to myself or passengers in my car.

How about you?
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