change interval DIesel Fuel FIlter


as subject,

id like ask y'all about fuel filter change interval if in my place, the diesel fuel contain max 3500 ppm sulphur and B20 (biodiesel 20%)?

thank you..

My 2012 Ram Cummins recommends 15,000 miles or yearly. I would recommend yearly with B20 as biodiesel can grow algae and you don't want that in your fuel system... It's a cartridge style so you can see the color. I'd change it more often and monitor what you see and adjust the interval from there. Shorter is better to start and then go longer as you gain confidence. A new fuel system is expensive for the price of a fuel filter...
FWIW, my Ford manual says every 20,000 miles so that's what I do. My brother's Kia OM says the same thing. He forgot to change it, and the fuel filter clogged up at 25,000 miles and stranded him on the road.