Oil Udder


Staff member
Aug 20, 2003
Please welcome Oil Udder https://oiludder.com/ as a BITOG sponsor.

Their product was literally developed by two guys with an idea and the drive make the end product a reality. When I heard their story I was very impressed. The Oil Udder's design is innovative and it is well constructed, if you change spin-on filters you should seriously consider using Oil Udder.

When you order use the coupon code BITOG for a 20% discount.

Please give them a warm welcome.

Just ordered one - I'll let you know how it works out for me.


I have one. There is a magnet that holds the funnel to the filter, which is a great idea, because you don't have to rely on friction to hold the funnel on the filter. Why didn't I think of that? :)
Looks like a good idea. I wonder how it works on a horizontal mounted filter, like so many Hondas?
They are pretty much a hot mess.
Hi JeffKeryk!
Thanks for the question and idea comment! We spent a long time in the garage and shop developing this and are excited to support the BITOG community. We actually used 3D printers to make and inject the prototypes before hard tooling 27 times before we were happy with the design. More to come on the development side but it's been a ball and we are thrilled to be on here.

Regarding angled and horizontal applications.

For angled, it works up to a very steep angles (60deg+) but the users need to crack the filter slowly to allow the oil to run down the side vs. pour out fast. Much like pouring your coffee cup slowly...and getting all over your keyboard and desk!

For horizontal, If you go to our video section you can invert the udder top cup and it will stick to the side of the filters. This may work for many vehicles (such as the Nissan Rogue) but we do not claim it will work for every horizontal or packaging situation. We are very realistic about its use case and want to be honest with our customers. We have been testing it on many vehicles over the last year and it can really save a mess when used right. We also find most users make process adjustments after their first change and love it.

Finally, we are really looking forward to building a better understanding of vehicles that it works well with and others it does not. We believe this is the best place on the web to find the best users.
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Looks like a neat design. It looks like it solves the last piece to my mess-free oil change on my '17 Elantra. I already had the drain valve, now it seems like there's a solution for clean removal of the vertically-mounted filter. I'll have to try it out!
Looks neat. This looks like something that would help with the messy oil changes on my 5.7L HEMI.
Thanks!! That is exactly the idea! My E30 M3 makes a huge mess as well. I was sick of spending more time with rags and cleanup than the oil change itself. Then, after some beers in the garage Elliott and I (Kevin, typing now) were like.... why do people accept this is "the way it is"....16 months later here we are!
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Originally Posted by The Critic
Looks neat. This looks like something that would help with the messy oil changes on my 5.7L HEMI.

Thanks! In our promo video that is a 2017 RAM 1500 with the yellow filter... the other car was a Ford Focus ST. At the time we did not have the drain kit completed so it's (unfortunately) not in the video.
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Originally Posted by OIL_UDDER
Originally Posted by The Critic
Looks neat. This looks like something that would help with the messy oil changes on my 5.7L HEMI.

Thanks! In our promo video that is a 2017 RAM 1500 with the yellow filter... the other car was a Ford Focus ST. At the time we did not have the drain kit completed so it's (unfortunately) no in the video.

Excellent. Just ordered the version with the drain kit.
Interesting. I like this idea a lot. I have one of those flexible Pig funnels, but its something to clean. Honda filters make a mess to change, and I think this might help a lot.
Very cool product, as a previous small business owner let me say - GOOD LUCK! Are ya'll selling to shops/auto parts stores or just going consumer direct?
Originally Posted by Barkleymut
Very cool product, as a previous small business owner let me say - GOOD LUCK! Are ya'll selling to shops/auto parts stores or just going consumer direct?


Means a lot coming from a previous small business owner! Thank you. Consumer direct for the time being.
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I have mostly horizontal filters. I stab a hole in the filter and let it drain 10 minutes, this reduces the mess.

Look at Harley motorcycles, those guys polish everything. Horizontal filter. Right now the hot tip is cut up a 2 liter pop container to make a drip shield. Make a version for them, you will sell a few.

I find that using a gallon zip lock freezer bag works find for me, but this is a neat product.
I was just looking at their website and saw the picture of the Oil Udder being used as a funnel. I'm going to try using it the next time I change the oil on my Duramax as a fill funnel. Whoever put the oil fill near the back of the engine on the left side valve cover should be required to fill the Duramax 1000 times after an oil change. Kind of like when you had to write, "I will be a good boy" 1000 times while everyone else went out for recess. The height and stiffness of the Oil Udder should make it a perfect funnel for this.
There is a hard plastic insert that holds the magnet and adds rigidity. The magnet holds the Oil Udder to the filter, which allows use on many filter sizes.

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The Oil Udder that comes with the drain kit can be used in several different configurations. Frankly, I would only buy it with the drain kit.

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Originally Posted by wwillson
There is a hard plastic insert that holds the magnet and adds rigidity. The magnet holds the Oil Udder to the filter, which allows use on many filter sizes.

The Oil Udder that comes with the drain kit can be used in several different configurations. Frankly, I would only buy it with the drain kit.


Love the pictures, thanks for posting!