Filet mignon or ribeye in Crock Pot?

Dec 30, 2006
Anyone ever try this? I'm wanting to do something different. Make a "pot roast" in the Crock Pot using filet mignon or ribeye instead of beef chuck roast.
There's a really good reason that it's hard to find a "filet mignon in the crockpot" or "ribeye in the crockpot" recipes.

It would be a terrible waste of a good cut if meat.
With the price of beef at the moment I can't think of a cut I'd subject to a crockpot. I don't like any meat cooked in a crockpot. A wet stringy mess IMO.
HEB actually puts meats on sale here really cheap. Trying to come up with some new ideas. I work really long days M-F, so coming home late every night,Crock Pot meals are just easy and convenient. I sometimes make filets in the oven for tacos (I'm not a big ground meat fan).
I've had filet mignon all sorts of ways. In sous vide it was incredible but kind of a waste because it just makes a really tender cut melt in my mouth. Funny thing about sous vide, cooking a choice or select tri-tip makes it taste like a prime tri-tip. Cooking a prime tri-tip in sous vide makes it taste like a prime tri-tip.
low and slow is perfect for crock pot cooking, since it takes time to break down the muscle fibers. That's why chuck is popular for crock pot stews.

Filet and ribeye, is for fast, higher heat cooking since you don't need time for tenderize.
Originally Posted by dave123
But I have ground a Ribeye for burgers.

I bet that was good! When we're going hard core with burgers,I'll get the guy in the market to grind up a sirloin steak for us.
Well,the only chuck steaks the store had were HUGE and I'll never eat all of that. My girlfriend doesn't eat beef,so I just need to basically feed myself. I got a thick huge ribeye for almost nothing (HEB always has good meat sales),so I bought it with some carrots and potatoes,and will give it a go!
Originally Posted by aquariuscsm
Well,the only chuck steaks the store had were HUGE and I'll never eat all of that. My girlfriend doesn't eat beef,so I just need to basically feed myself. I got a thick huge ribeye for almost nothing (HEB always has good meat sales),so I bought it with some carrots and potatoes,and will give it a go!

Honestly it will be absolutely delicious succulent and rich beef flavor and the broth will also be good to sip on. I myself hate a crockpot and would use a old school black roasting pan in oven 325 till fork tender I believe any roast gets more complex deep richer flavor in the pan.
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Originally Posted by aquariuscsm
Anyone ever try this? I'm wanting to do something different. Make a "pot roast" in the Crock Pot using filet mignon or ribeye instead of beef chuck roast.

In the crock pot I buy the scraps (stew meat or carne picate meat) and it turns out great. Expensive cuts are for the grill. Of course if your one of the 1%ers....
Originally Posted by aquariuscsm
Well,the only chuck steaks the store had were HUGE and I'll never eat all of that. My girlfriend doesn't eat beef,so I just need to basically feed myself. I got a thick huge ribeye for almost nothing (HEB always has good meat sales),so I bought it with some carrots and potatoes,and will give it a go!

We often cut steaks in half and freeze half. We get 2 meals out of a steak and as a bonus cut down on how much meat we eat.

The other thing we do is slice (cold) left over steak for sandwiches. We slice it at a shallow angle to make larger slices. Cold steak makes delicious sandwiches.
The only way to cook Ribeye and Filet mignon, not to forget TriTip.
