Flushing and Lubing Garage Rollers and Hinges


Staff member
Dec 14, 2002
New Jersey
No idea how old my wood doors are on my garage. They are in pretty good shape, but need some paint, and so Im looking to tune it up. They go up and down OK, but the doors do wobble a bit up and down, especially down. I had replaced the coil springs a few years back with quality US made parts.

Ive never messed with the rollers. I figured it was time.

They look like this:

[Linked Image]

So far, Ive tried flushing them out with WD-40. I figure its good because it creeps, it's cheap, and it will flash off. So I cleaned the big dirt, then sprayed WD-40, then wiped it all off and re-applied a few times each to try to get any dirt out. Ill let it dry from here.

Im thinking to work Corrosion-X in there for the long term. Not sure if that's the best, or what.

The tracks have some sort of black graphite-like substance. All of the wheels in the track roll smoothly, no issues there.

Any recommendations?
A spray can of carburetor cleaner, works well on an amazing number of uses for cleaning oil based paint to dirt and grease removal.
I like Penetro 90 for garage door parts(if they aren't the plastic socketed Overhead Door brand). It's best to avoid lube on the track roller tires but it's ok to give the bushing/bearings on those a teeny bit of lube.
At HD get can of garage door spray on lube. It has solvent with graphite in suspension. It will blast out the bushings and leave lube behind. It is kind of messy so use a rag to shield yourself.
Originally Posted by nthach
I like Penetro 90 for garage door parts(if they aren't the plastic socketed Overhead Door brand). It's best to avoid lube on the track roller tires but it's ok to give the bushing/bearings on those a teeny bit of lube.

I have penetro!!

Originally Posted by Kawiguy454
At HD get can of garage door spray on lube. It has solvent with graphite in suspension. It will blast out the bushings and leave lube behind. It is kind of messy so use a rag to shield yourself.

OK so that garage door spray lube (I think its PBlaster brand) is for the bushings and not the track? I wasnt aware..
I use a PB Blaster Garage Door lube. Rollers, hinges and the torsion spring above the door if you have one.

I do not think you need to try and flush the bearing surface. Maybe a quick wipe.

I used grease (chassis grease) on the track.

The guy who tried to get my door to hang perfectly also went through with impact driver and tightened every bolt on the door holding a hinge or roller.
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If there were old hardened grease still inside, a drop of oil on every pivot-contact area then multiple opening cycle would work it into the old grease. Now that it's cleaned out, spray grease would work.

If it were newer, clean and rust free, a lighter spray oil plus silicone or teflon would keep it looking cleaner.

Some people say lubing the tracks can be a problem, but I've never found that to be the case because it isn't extremely dusty here and I can just throw some motor oil on a rag and wipe them out once a year. It keeps them smoother than if the zinc plating had been left to turn crusty white, and slows down the edges from rusting brown due to minimal zinc plating there.

You could go to a lot more effort for cosmetics if that matters. Submersion and agitation cleaning in gasoline, brake clean, phosphoric acid derusting, paint, spray grease lube, and reinstall every hinge. You could paint them to match the wood color, or some enamel rustoleum color, or a zinc rich paint which isn't really needed unless there are leaks and they get wet.
looks like they are metal rollers. i would change them out for nylon ones. a whole set is like $20 off of amazon. also , check the clearance between the door and the frame. i have wood doors also and they were rubbing on the frame causing binding. i had to shim the tracks out a little and now it runs really smooth
I've used CorrosionX on mine but it just became a big drippy mess all over the door. White lithium in a spray can will actually stick and not drip.

Something to consider.
I replaced mine a few months ago, they looked original to the house - 1995. You can get some quality all metal ball bearing rollers for under $20 on eBay. Wipe down the track, no lube is needed it only attracts dirt.

Don't remove the bottom rollers with the door down! The springs are under tension - do them with the door up.

Door is silent now, although in the process I saw the lift cables were all frayed so I had to replace those too.
A number of issues mentioned so far are addressed by the specialty product I posted.
Penetrating as a thin liquid and dries as a solid lubricant …