Kitchenaid Mixers

Buy her the kitchen aid she wants. It will last several lifetimes. My mother got one when she was in her late 30's and she passed it down to me when she turned 80. I use it still and it will go to my daughter at some point. It has all the attachments and has never needed repairs.
I agree 100% with Bud.
Wife has one 30 years never a hiccup.
Her mom has had hers 40 years.
Both of them are heavy duty cooks and have the Standard one.
Runs rings around any other type of mixer and we have the attachments and use them frequently...
Good value. The kitchen countertop is their workbench so give them first class name brand dependable tools. ...Ž...Ž
Get the size that is barely big enough, making small batches in giant mixers stinks.
Very early in our relationship, I purchased my wife a KitchenAid mixer as a gift. She loved to bake and her family never had a stand mixer. My mom also bakes often, had a stand mixer, and loved it.

Bad idea. That gift was a sore spot for many years.

Today though, she adores the mixer and is (maybe?) apologetic about how much she harassed me over that gift. It's a 4.5 quart Ultra Power, one of their most inexpensive at the time, that is still strong after 15 years.