Blue Angels and Thunderbirds Flyby


Staff member
Dec 14, 2002
New Jersey
The teams will fly jointly over Washington, Baltimore, New York, Newark, Trenton, Philadelphia, Atlanta, Dallas, Houston and Austin, according to a Pentagon memo cited by the Washington Post.

Got to see it from the end of my street.

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They seem to be compressed here on BITOG, but you get the idea... hope others have such a beautiful day to see the flybys.
I sent pics of the flyby to a friend who has a flip-phone with the teeny weeniest screen you've ever seen.

He called to insist that the planes (two formations of 6 for a total of 12) were actually 2 huge transport planes.

I told him I'd sent the pics to his wife's phone.

Hey, I needed the laugh.
Curious about one thing. There were the two formations, then there was one extra plane flying with them. I think it tended to linger with theThunderbirds.

Any idea why? In-air photography?
Originally Posted by Kira
They said a tanker was involved at some point. Was that additional plane bigger?

Bottom pic shows it. Nope. Seems the same.