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Mar 12, 2015
In the shop
Hello again. Another filter laying round from Subyrubieroo. Glad I didnt throw it on the Camry as that sliced ADBV irks me. Come on' Purolator

Not impressed with the weird looking pleats near seam either. Made October 1st, 2014 and Line "B" and 2nd shift in Fayetteville NC

Enjoy the pictures

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Wondering if the ADBV is getting sliced during the manufacturing process of the filter itself. Not that it couldn't come supplied like that but one would think that is checked before being sent on for further processing.
Originally Posted by Bighorn2500
Wondering if the ADBV is getting sliced during the manufacturing process of the filter itself. Not that it couldn't come supplied like that but one would think that is checked before being sent on for further processing.

It's the old non-deburred tapping plate oval holes slicing the ADBV after the filter is assembled, pressed together by leaf spring pressure. Purolator just can't seem to get it right (although this is an older example).
Bullwinkle is correct. one base plate pic I show; hard to see burrs, but they are there and gnarly and unacceptable.

I'll use my 2 Bosch D+ instead of one of these
Originally Posted by bullwinkle
Originally Posted by Bighorn2500
Wondering if the ADBV is getting sliced during the manufacturing process of the filter itself. Not that it couldn't come supplied like that but one would think that is checked before being sent on for further processing.

It's the old non-deburred tapping plate oval holes slicing the ADBV after the filter is assembled, pressed together by leaf spring pressure. Purolator just can't seem to get it right (although this is an older example).

Yep, the sharp edges on the base plate inlet holes are cutting into the ADBV. And it also shows that those inlet holes are partially covered (like about 50%) by the ADBV due to the cut pattern.
Originally Posted by SubieRubyRoo
Maybe the base plate got hungry after sitting around on the Menards shelf for 6 years while getting no lovin'?


Maybe. Shame as that 11 year old Puro L24466 I sliced apart had no "shark bites" In that nitrile ADBV
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