How will you do most of your Christmas shopping this year?

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Mar 17, 2008
For me this year I've done almost all of it online through Amazon. It only made sense since I'm going out to Colorado to see my daughter for Christmas.

How about you guys? Will you be shopping in stores, online, or mixture of both?
Amazon. With my work schedule I don't have time to drive to stores that will likely not have what I'm looking for. I can browse Amazon while I eat dinner and have everything on my doorstep in 2 days.
Amazon. Wife and I put up a wish list there. AFAIK she does not do the "but you need to buy me something special!" in addition to the "but this is what I wanted!" We're old enough to know that we have most of we want, and all of what we need, and that it's pointless to stress over getting the right gifts. And that it's just easier to spell out what we want rather than assume the other knows how to read minds.

I might poke around Walmart the next time I'm in there, buying motor oil, to see if anything stands out.
Almost all online, but not completely on Amazon.
Bought my daughter some logo stuff from her college bookstore, it's great to order on the web rather than making a 3 hour round trip over there.
Also ordered her some sports equipment from a specialty seller, it's from a line she has been using for years so I already know what size to get for a perfect fit.
I did buy my daughter a nice hoodie in person in a local store, I knew she would like the graphic and had to buy it after I felt how soft it was....
I've been online purchases only for at least 10 years. Not interested in putting up with the retail shopping experience.
Already complete.

To be fair, I do much of it on Amazon, with several other on line retailers. I've picked up gifts in other countries while traveling (66 North Icelandic outerwear, for example) in anticipation of Birthdays and Christmas. I don't do much shopping in stores.
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All online. You couldn't pay me enough to go into a store this time of year.
LLBean catalog for Wife's stuff then Local Stores for "stocking stuffers"

then online from brick and mortar Vendors directly if possible to give the detested Amazonia the run around

A lot of gifts to self and family and others are charitable donations given in their name.

We are trying to make Christmas 95% giving and 5% getting.

I can "get" anytime of the year I want.

Plus: no kids in the house
Mainly online, but some in-person. I hit up the outlet mall on a weekday and it wasn't too crowded. I found some great deals.
Originally Posted by ARCOgraphite

A lot of gifts to self and family and others are charitable donations given in their name.

"Hey cousin Bob I donated $500 to salvation army in your name.. Merry Christmas?" ??

How does that work exactly? do you claim the tax credit? Do you ask them what cause they want it donated to?
The majority of my Christmas shopping was done at a comic book convention this year. My nephews are really into superheroes so I picked up some signed prints of their favorite characters and got them framed.

For my kids it's mostly books and clothes. Probably a 75/25 online to local retailer split.
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