How do you get your news?

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Mar 21, 2004
Near the beach in Delaware
Curious how BITOG members get their news?

Maybe you don't care about the news.

My first question is do you pay for the news you get? As in do you buy a newspaper or pay for a digital subscription?

Second question is do you get your news from social media like Facebook.

For me, I pay for a digital subscription to a newspaper because I want real news and understand that newspapers need to charge if they are going to pay journalists and fund investigative journalism.

I have purposely not mentioned a newspaper as I would like to avoid a liberal/conservative discussion.
Originally Posted by Donald
For me, I pay for a digital subscription to a newspaper because I want real news and understand that newspapers need to charge if they are going to pay journalists and fund investigative journalism.

I have purposely not mentioned a newspaper as I would like to avoid a liberal/conservative discussion.

Yeah, well I don't think this thread is going to last long.
I canceled my cable programming and refuse to watch cable news any longer. It's all propaganda these days.

I'll glance at the local news sights a few times a week to hear about local events. I don't care about Syria, Russia, impeachment, or other hot button topics that whip the useful idiots into a frenzy.
A family member has a high position in the Pentagon and is privy to some information. He said the information gets considerably warped and bears only a small resemblence to the truth by the time it is filtered through the public media for readers.
News? What passes for news is propaganda that emanates from NYC, Boston and DC. What you get is very little news and a whole lot of opinion. Just ask yourself, who determines what goes out to all of the affiliates?
Originally Posted by Kestas
A family member has a high position in the Pentagon and is privy to some information. He said the information gets considerably warped and bears only a small resemblence to the truth by the time it is filtered through the public media for readers.

I believe that 100%
Important news? I get that from the National Hurricane Center - same with general weather. Local news? Small town newspaper. Statewide news? There is no reliable source left.
US & world news? That's all just biased click bait anymore - even if something real happens it morphs within minutes.
I either go by the word of friends in high places or do my own digging based on the premise of a news story.

The mass media networks operate just like any other network show. They live and die by ratings. Therefore, they're going to air whatever gets them big ratings. What gets big ratings? Fear, racism, hatred, and any other topic that gets your blood boiling and/or brings out emotions. The truth be [censored]. This is part of why we'll never see the end of racism in the US. Between the mass media, lawyers, and politicians, there's far too much money to be made off of racism to let it go away.

Back on topic... I take pretty much everything I see in the news with a grain of salt. Whether it's a newspaper, mass media network, a meme on Facebook, or what have you, I assume bias unless proven otherwise.
National news has become "Red vs Blue", and I mean the Rooster Teeth series.

"Simmons: The only reason that we set up a red base here is because they have a blue base over there. And the only reason they have a blue base over there is because we have a red base here.

Grif: Well, yeah, that's because we're fighting each other.

Simmons: No, no, but I mean... even if we were to pull out today, and they were to come and take our base, they would have two bases in the middle of a box canyon. Whoopdee-******-doo."

Otherwise I really only follow local news just so I know what's going on around me.
News is marketed and targets a certain audience. If you watch NewsMax TV, you are entertained by hating liberals. If you watch CNN, you are obsessed with hating Donald Trump.
I get better, more accurate news when I have coffee every morning with some friends than I would from any main stream media news source.
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