Running/Walking on the road?

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Its so bad in my neighborhood that i just drive on the sidewalk with two tires in peoples yards. That way everyone has a lane. I welded up a big steel bumper to take care of those pesky mailboxes and light posts in the way. Thank goodness for 4x4 on those rainy days.
Originally Posted by dareo
Its so bad in my neighborhood that i just drive on the sidewalk with two tires in peoples yards. That way everyone has a lane. I welded up a big steel bumper to take care of those pesky mailboxes and light posts in the way. Thank goodness for 4x4 on those rainy days.


PowerWheels all the way!

I like your thinking!

Any suggestions for a Halloween themed party?
Originally Posted by AZjeff
Weekly bicycle/runner/pedestrian bash. As always a few people do dumb things. The only way to run/walk on the street is against traffic so you can see oncoming cars and do what you must to avoid.


...You forgot moms pushing 3 wheeler baby carts with a dog tied to their belt...

Thank you everybody. I learned some new things.
I will go with smoothness/low impact of the road.

Now if i can do something about those pesky STOP signs blowers......?
Originally Posted by AZjeff
Weekly bicycle/runner/pedestrian bash. As always a few people do dumb things. The only way to run/walk on the street is against traffic so you can see oncoming cars and do what you must to avoid.



How DARE a runner or cyclist use a road and impede a motorists progress! So many people act like it's the end of the world if they have to slow down for a few moments to safely get by those hateful obstructions...

Of course it's a proverbial 2 way street - runners and especially cyclists need to abide the rules of the road (where they - cyclists, belong). I ride a pretty fair bit and probably half of my riding is city traffic. When I choose to ride a major street (relatively speaking in a town with 13k people) I will be going at or above the posted speed so as not to back up traffic. I mostly take side streets and still manage to clip along fast enough that I'm generally not slowing too many people up. I follow all forms of traffic control and always keep my eyes peeled for motorists trying to kill me. Its rare I have issues, but most of the time I do, it's people underestimating my speed. Some don't see me, but Im ready for that.

I think many runners and especially cyclists would do well to abide the rules of the road and motorists should learn to calm themselves over the precious few seconds of inconvenience.
Originally Posted by Pew
Because they suck. Joint or crack in the sidewalk? Adjust your steps. It's a lot safer than running on the road with 3000 pound machines driving ten times your speed next to you.

Short on 3000 lb vehicles in Houston - but that's certainly big enough. I don't find joggers or folks on bicycles hard to see, but I don't drive and text and all the other things that put them at risk -
Have been to enough places/countries that have paths for all - and the foot traffic and bikes share the same path - not the road with cars and trucks.
I certainly don't see why they are taking out car lanes where you never see a rider. Just think of the difference in construction cost too - HD roads are big bucks, sidewalks cheap.
(they put icons on the paved path for each)
I do this. Sprinklers late at night.. running in the road only way to not get soaked.

Horrible HOA, sprinklers flood sidewalks and make deep puddles. Avoided by traveling in the road.

There are other reasons beyond the acceptable topic matter of this forum, but if you cant use electricity then you're on the path with least debris.

Just please don't hit us.. or it's a lawsuit. And drivers know this.

Though.. sometimes, seen groups of bikes with no lights at all biking in the road, 2AM or so. Regular bicycles, not motorcycles. The best thing to do is just go around them. Is that unsafe? Well.. absolutely. There are supposed to be lights on bicycles etc. I have them on mine. But I never use my bike. Its easier to walk. But that's their problem. Now, if you are Captain Concerned then good on ya.. but if you can drive around them, then, do so .
Originally Posted by talest

Just please don't hit us.. or it's a lawsuit. And drivers know this.

Hitting someone who is in the road is not an automatic lawsuit. It can be a lawsuit if there is something else going on like drunken driving combined with reckless speeding, or some other type of willful negligence. But if conditions were such that it was difficult to see, or if the driver couldn't reasonably avoid the collision due to other intervening factors, the driver is generally relieved of any fault in the matter.
Originally Posted by supton
What is this "sidewalk" that you guys speak of? I've seen them in big cities and stuff, but not where I live.

How is avoiding joggers etc any different than avoiding bicyclists, turkeys, deer, moose and bears? Those latter ones rarely wear any blinky lights either--maybe we oughta pass a law that mandates them to at least wear reflective fur.

I drove by 2 dead deer this morning and a dead raccoon last night so that isn't very encouraging.
I am not sure about any advantage of running on one paved surface versus another from a kinesiological angle. Around my neck of the woods the sidewalks can be less even than the road, I guess.

I (as well as my knees) could see a marked advantage to running off the sidewalk on the unpaved area.
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