Milk: do you drink it?

Mar 12, 2015
In the shop
Good Morning BITOGERS

I do drink real milk; delivered every Monday to my apartment. I get a half gallon 2% in glass bottle and a half gallon of buttermilk for $4. There is a $2/bottle deposit so it works out great.

The farm is maybe 7mikes from me

What kind of milk do you drink?
Goat milk raw 4% to 5+%+ also whey from making cheese

Farm is about 300 steps from my back door..
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I did most of my life but I now drink almond milk. I developed LPR/Silent Reflux over the last year and almond milk is alkaline.
Grew up on a dairy farm drank raw 4 % butter fat milk for years. These days 2% from the store. Milk after it has been processed is just not the same.
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I used to CRUSH cereal up until I was 27 (30 now) and then stopped completely. It started to make me feel awful if I had it for breaky.

Milk is the best drink for eating peanut butter, so I have a glass or two while eating PB and crackers which is once a week minimum.
Ahh, the GMO got you!

Used to have it with lunch, now I have it in the form of Friendly's Chocolate Ice Cream with toasted almonds. Only 3+ bucks for the new
interpretation of a 1/2 gallon.

"Hear all within my call, Three pints is now a 1/2 gallon."

So say the Food industry and so you shall obey and abide !
Drank 2% up until a year ago and then switched to Almond. Miss milk when eating chocolate, peanut butter and cereal. As a result I hardly eat those things anymore.
I though almond milk had poor balanced nutrition?

Let's just say it not a direct qualified alternative.

But You are not growing up anymore, You are growing old.

I will say for digestion,

If it wasn't for plain. unflavoured Metamucil to clean

and real yoghurt to balance the Gut ...

I'd be surely dead.
2 gallons a week between me, the wife and my 3yr 4 month old will likeup that to 2.5-3 gallons a week. I personally dont drink much on its own, more for coffee or tea.
Don't drink it anymore. Bit of half and half in my coffee and that's it.
I used to drink whole milk but I had some heart issues earlier this year and my cholesterol numbers were written in scientific notation, so I switched to 2%. I definitely drink more milk in the summer versus winter months.
WOW health or not + SAD sad american diet is more controversial than oil!! YES i drink whole RAW milk the only kind that should be consumed if at all + raw goat milk i never tried may be better. a look at the Weston Price Foundation will open your eyes as to how bad typical highly processed milk as well as processed food REALLY is + manufacturers LOVE selling totally DEAD lowfat versions! as far as cholesterol is the body makes most of it as its needed to male many other things in the body-aka hormones etc. cholesterol + related lowering drugs is the biggest SCAM ever + finally the research that proves this is getting out thanks to DR's like + his many great informative FACTUAL you tubes. Ivor Cummins as well tells the truth about heart disease + how to PREVENT-CURE it + the test that tells all + the CAC test rarely used to find out what ALL other testing misses. i could go on + on but todays internet as well as costlier books reveal what one look at the people walking around reveals with Obesity + Diabetes rampant with half diabetics not knowing what lurks within. you must look out for yourself as todays medical system is most interested in the $$$$$ as healthy people create little income for them as its up to YOU to research + take care of yourself!!!!
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