Did/Do you work more than 40 hrs on a regular basis

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Mar 17, 2008
Most of my regular working years I worked a full time and part time job every week. I also took O. T when I could.

How about you?
First post school job I was putting in 48-55 hours a week trying my best. Fast forward to 37.5 hours of salaried work with no weekends. I even had a four day schedule for years. Stressful, but family friendly job. I'll take it.
I basically work 7 days a week, but sometimes only a few hours here and there. It's all commission based so it's hard to say. Sometimes a few hours in total on one sale nets you a 5 figure commission and sometimes you spend years with someone and don't make a dime.
Rarely worked less than 55 hours per week. Often over 65 hours. 40 hours was considered part time. The only time I worked less was when I worked the weekend night shift. I worked 36 hours a week, (12 hours a day, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday night 5:30 PM to 6:00 AM), got paid for 40 + 20%. I was off all week. I loved that. But now it's much better being off permanently.
Originally Posted by Rmay635703
I am between 45-60 hours a week no paid overtime

I had the same situation during my 28 year high tech career, sometimes even 80+ hour weeks at times. But I (and others with similar jobs) had no problem disappearing at project's end for a week or two, without submitting vacation hours. That was standard practice in my line of work.

Bizarre story about my type of career and the absence of time cards, no set hours, work whatever hours you want, work from home, etc. One of our engineers hadn't been seen or spoken to in several weeks. No one really noticed until one day someone said, "Anyone seen or talked to "Fred" lately". He was found dead in his condo! Bizarre as it sounds, this is not unheard of in Silicon Valley.

40 hours normal week. If I travel then 50 hours a week.

I don't punch a clock and work remotely at home 70% of the time and on the road 30%.
When I was younger I used to work 50-60 hours a week. I had a business for a while and worked full time. I was working 80-90 hours a week then. Now I work 40 a week and am happy with it.
36-60hrs/week is common. 72-84 some weeks out of the year. I'm a production tech at a process plant that runs 24/7/365. We do 12hr regular rotating shifts.
I have over the years worked every shift on the books. 10 to 15 hour work days were done with pleasure. People need to work more hours .
I've worked for myself in real estate since I was about 22. I'm 57 now. Most of it was buying and selling residential, and after about the first 3 years I decided that I wanted to acquire a portfolio of rental properties. Early on 50-60 hour weeks were normal. About the time I turned 28 the cash flow started becoming serious and I was able to reduce the amount of time I spent actually doing the work and spend more time managing-down to about 35-40/week. I had a series of trades that I kept on call when a tenant had an issue, I acquired a new property that needed brought up to code, or a tenant moved out and a unit needed freshened up.

That was the norm until 3 years ago-I had 38 rentals and it was getting impossible for one person to manage; that's when I turned the day to day management over to a property management company and I retired from actively working. I now spend maybe 10 hours a month with them going over numbers, ironing out problems, authorizing repairs, etc.
Probably average 50+, but I have a desk job. 40 hours at Mickey D's is far harder than what I do.
During a huge 3 year SAP implementation, it was easily 70 hours per week. But that was years ago.
I don't do it anymore, at least not in the office.

I do end-to-end custom database application development, so it is much more thinking than anything else.
35 to 40 hrs a week, sometimes like to go home early, hate overtime
I am paid hourly and manage 40-42hrs per week billable but only working 7hrs+ (7-2:30PM) over 5 days.

I tend to work on other tasks in meetings so I can bill typically 1.25-1.5hr hr over 1hr elapsed.

I am Cloud Application architect working 100% remote at home.

I actually get physically and mentally ill working more then 9 hrs in a day.
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