How long is a filter good for?

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I have a 2003 Yukon with a restriction indicator. As of 76,000 miles, it has not moved. I never remove the filter to "inspect" - I'm worried that handling it can result in seal damage or accidentally getting dirt on the clean side.
While the indicator is a good idea, the adhesive that seals the paper probably won't last forever. Therefore, I replace the filter every 7 years whether it needs it or not..
Originally Posted By: Falcon_LS
Sounds crazy, but I replace mine every 3,000-5,000 miles. My vehicle does operate in a very dusty environment, however.

That is the key factor. If you live or work in the desert, or near a coal mine, or travel extensively on gravel roads, then you will need to change filters far more often.

Some forum members speak of "checking" the condition of their air filters. This is a bad idea, because it is hard to get a good airtight seal after you've broken the seal once. Perhaps consider using a silicone sealant to make sure no air can get around the seal?

I have heard suggestions of using a Filter Minder, costing about $25-32, to determine when to change an air filter. This seems like a good investment, especially if you've been changing them often. The Filter Minder will let you know exactly when you need to change the filter, without the guesswork and without breaking the seal.
Since I rarely use 100% of the TL's power and a dirty filter won't affect mileage of a fuel injected car, I could probably get away with nearly 100,000 miles. The last one I had to replace at around 15,000 because the rubber seal was deteriorating. Now that it has an OEM filter of much higher quality I'll probably check it at 30 or 40K. At the old 20K mile intervals I was just wasting money as they never looked very dirty and there's a good possibility they filter better as they age. The cabin filter is another story, having to replace it 2-3 times more frequently than the engine air filter.
It really just depends. My dad always used to tell me to do it every oil change along with the oil filter, and of course the oil, but I usually just clean mine out, and make sure that I got most of the big stuff out that can cause the engine to have less power. But sometimes I still have to buy a new air filter when the one I already have is just to dirty to re clean.
100% based on your conditions. Desert/dirt/dry? 1/year. Normal East Coast conditions? 1/3 years. No reason to push air filters, they are v. inexpensive.
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