Does Anyone Recognize this Brand of Nylon (?) Lined Sockets?

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Sep 30, 2017
Vancouver, BC Canada
Somehow I stumbled onto this graphic, and I was wondering if anyone recognizes this brand of sockets? There is a name that I can't make out... but also there is the Company's trademark graphic which IS intelligible.


Soft Socket - Unidentifiable Mfr.jpg
I found an aluminum-lined socket from an oufit in Montreal, Importer for Canada... Ozat 21mm six point socket. Fellow said he'd sell it to me for Cdn$70 + shipping. I may still go that way... but is a bit spendy for me, at this time.
Just curious, what do you want to do with them ? (curious about the use, what they are good for)
Also I'm in Montreal right now, do you have the name of the store ? I could go have a look
I've seen several of those nylon lined sockets get chewed up by air guns in no time. Especially if they fit too loose. Mine have the nylon sleeve protecting the outside. What I did was take some heavy gauge plastic sheeting I had laying around, and cut out a few pieces a little bigger than the size of a golf ball.

I then stuffed them into the inside of the socket, and they worked beautifully protecting the chrome plating on the lug nuts. Depending on the fit you could probably use 12 gauge cleaning patches as well.
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