Reply Box Window

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Jan 1, 2018
San Antonio, TX
It used to be before the major board update that I could highlight an entire sentence and drag it to a different location in the reply box; not the case anymore. I'm wondering if anybody else has had the same experience. The browser I use for BITOG is the MacIntosh Safari 11.1.2.
Apparently you're right Pete; it works fine in Google Chrome. In Safari, when I highlight the sentence to drag it to a different location, the sentence springs back to its original location when I let go of the click bar.
Originally Posted by das_peikko
Apparently you're right Pete; it works fine in Google Chrome. In Safari, when I highlight the sentence to drag it to a different location, the sentence springs back to its original location when I let go of the click bar.

That could be a browser-configurable behavior that you can turn off/on in the browser's settings. Maybe a recent update of the Safari browser coincided relatively closely with the forum update so as to make it look like the forum software is responsible for the change in behavior, but it was actually a default setting with Safari that got undefaulted or something...don't know, just spit-balling...
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