Ankle pain on the outside of ankle

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I looked at your profile and assume you spend hours on hard surfaces at work. I think bone spurs would show on x Ray because mine did. I think it's important you see a podiatrist or orthopedic doctor or you could end up being really impaired. I have bone spurs and plantar facieits. The thing that finally got healing was steroid injections into the arch by a podiatrist.
This all sounds familiar. I suffered along with the advice of my primary care doctor. Frustrated, I eventually went to see a (very good) Podiatrist, and finally was on the road to recovery.

I can sympathize with your situation. Good luck
An x-ray may not show the problem. I needed an MRI when I tore my ACL to actually see the cause of the pain and get an order for PT. An x-ray did not show anything wrong.
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