Arrested Coast Guard lieutenant... planning to commit domestic terrorism

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Originally Posted by Astro14
"they found 15 firearms and over 1,000 rounds of mixed ammunition, the document says"...
So? That's a problem?
Yet the law enforcement agency who released that information is fanning the flames of public opinion, with the press as a willing accomplice of distortion and sensationalism...

That's a HUGE problem for a guy who is making plans to kill lots of people.
It would be bad enough but a lower level of scary if he was making plans for bad things and not getting the tools needed together...this guy was assembling the hardware for a massacre, so it's a big red alert.

Somebody who likes to collect and/or shoot at the range or in the woods with lots of guns and ammo and is NOT making plans for mass murder...well, I can't say I really get it, but it's not a cause for alarm.
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