Fiat 9.55535-GS1 Certification - Ravenol

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May 9, 2010
Good morning,

FCA calls for an oil meeting Fiat 9.55535-GS1 or DS1 depending on whether you have a diesel or gasoline engine. These oils are few and far between, in the U.S. the only readily available oil is PP Euro LX, at least in 0w30 flavor. I noticed that Ravenol FES 0w30 states that it is suitable for use in this application but does not have a formal approval. I questioned Ravenol and received the following response. Take it for what you will, but it would appear that FCA may be doing a little 'pay to play' regarding their formal approval similar to GM and Dexos.

Question; "I noticed that FES 0w-30 does not have 9.55535-GS1 formal approval, however, you state that it's appropriate for use in such an application. I'm curious, is there a specific reason why this oil doesn't have a formal approval? Also, what testing was conducted to ensure that this oil will adequately protect engines that call for this specification?"

Answer; "Ravenol FES 0w-30 has been tested by Fiat in order to prove the suitability. We do not know much about how they conduct those tests. After a positive result we make it public. However, to take an official approval or not is another commercial decision which involves larger investment. We appreciate your interests." - Jade Hsu / Ravenol
The approval (endorsement) is nothing more than an admission that the oil company has paid the manufacturer for this. It's always Dollars & Cents
Originally Posted by Pelican
The approval (endorsement) is nothing more than an admission that the oil company has paid the manufacturer for this. It's always Dollars & Cents

If I'm not mistaken not all approvals require payment. For instance, I don't think BMW charges for LL-XX certifications. I could be very wrong but that was my impression. What caught me a little off guard is that they had the oil tested by Fiat, it wasn't in house testing, received a passing mark but then decided not to state it as an approval. Makes me wonder about Fiat's testing/licensure program, if there is in fact one.
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