Wooden gate additions

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Jul 7, 2014
Winnipeg MB CA
This is one of two side gates to our back yard. For years I had a nylon rope (or rather, quite a few of them) to allow the gates to be opened from the front (the side without the latch). The plastic ropes wore out pretty quickly - once they start to fray, they don't last long. So, I finally replaced the plastic ropes on both gates with multi-strand steel wire. The wire and crimps were from Home Depot.

This was an easy way to provide a latching mechanism for the gate, to hold it open when I want to take the lawn mower or wheelbarrow through:
The string through the post is so cheesy, sorry man. I get it, but if you want a latching door you should probably put some type of doorknob on it like every other door. Drilling a hole in a post and putting a sting on it just does not do it for me, I see it everywhere.

You might want to consider turning the hook downwards, yikes!
Originally Posted By: PimTac
Find some tubing to use as a sleeve for the hole.

Great idea! stainless or some copper.
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