Where are the snakes?

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Jun 5, 2003
Apple Valley, California
I have been watching snake shows on TV. Figured that since I live in the desert I should be able to find one. Wandered around in the canyon behind my house. Looked under brush,behind rocks in the shady spot. Nothing!

Not looking to pick em up. Just wanted to see one. You would think this would be snake city.
I'm not a snake expert but I do think they would prefer to be left alone to the point where they'd take flight upon hearing or feeling your footfall.

Think about it, you "always" see a snake's tail end slithering away from you.

My Dad told be if your climbing rocks you might just reach up to grab a purchase point to climb and put your hand on a basking snake.
Saw a decent-sized one just yesterday in the park. I'm guessing a rat snake...

Originally Posted By: Quattro Pete
Saw a decent-sized one just yesterday in the park. I'm guessing a rat snake...


Beautiful rat snake! That's a good snake to have around. Will keep rodents in check.
Wait until the fall when you have cool nights and warm days. Look for South facing slopes or ledges. Check them in the early/late afternoon for basking. Look and don't touch. Leave them to their rodent eating activities. There are snakes in your neighborhood.
Originally Posted By: Jim_Truett
I believe the Mojave Rattlesnake is native to your area. I would not go looking for one. Extremely nasty venom and aggressive towards humans.
Yep. They are here too.
The key issue with a rattle snake is how to prepare him after you’ve knocked him off. There are lots of videos on the proper cleaning and spicing of the thing. I was just perusing some recipes and the ones that recommend letting him rest in a bath of buttermilk prior to frying sounded good. There were tips on how to smoke him as well.
Getting the severed head safely far away from you is the most important part, as the head can strike (and kill) long after being removed from the body.
Originally Posted By: double vanos
The key issue with a rattle snake is how to prepare him after you’ve knocked him off. There are lots of videos on the proper cleaning and spicing of the thing. I was just perusing some recipes and the ones that recommend letting him rest in a bath of buttermilk prior to frying sounded good. There were tips on how to smoke him as well.
Getting the severed head safely far away from you is the most important part, as the head can strike (and kill) long after being removed from the body.

This. I like snakes and generally leave them be. But these aggressive bad boys are tasty when cooked right.
I had fried rattlesnake decades ago at the Freer roundup as a teenager. I found it tough. Made sense since it's all muscle that gets worked a lot, like brisket on a cow. BBQ'ed (smoked) is better IMO.
Originally Posted By: SirTanon
Here in Phoenix, they're all over... sometimes even inside the house..


NOPE. No way. I'll take my cold winters lol.

A friend of mine moved out to Arizona and told me about having to check his shoes for scorpions.
Originally Posted By: SirTanon
Here in Phoenix, they're all over... sometimes even inside the house..


May I ask what you did with it when you found it? Thanks
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