Provolone Cheese

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To me it has more value as "texture" when melted on a sandwich or pizza. You could try SMOKED provolone if you want some flavor.
It's not an eating cheese like you'd think

It also loses flavor cold, best consumed room temperature

Melting it on anything is it's main use

I couldn't think of a proper antipasto without it
I think you guys are talking about mozzarella. And smoked Mozzarella is common, but Provolone not so much.

Real provolone is hard, salty with a sharp taste.

Absolutely love Provolone cheese great melter you’re probably not finding the right one and should be looking for a aged Provolone next or better would be Muenster cheese.
As we age, with some of us, some of our tastes change. For example, certain people have the gene that gives Brussel Sprouts a wickedly bitter flavor, then as they as they age, can't taste the bitterness at all. I'm one of those. Hated them as a kid, today they taste a bit like cabbage and I really like 'em.

Also, Swiss cheese used to be disgustingly gross/foul tasting to me. Now, even the strongest swiss cheese tastes super smooth and really good.

HOWEVER, anyone who grew up in the USA, and then travels to rural Italy as an adult will notice cheese is wonderful there. Our FDA safety requirements destroy those subtle flavors that make certain cheese so good.
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Cheeses (the cheese market, perhaps) is funny.

There are cheeses in the world then there are imitation cheeses. They lack flavor.

People buy 'em cause they're cheaper.

The Auriccion provolone mentioned above is a great, top tier cheese. "Slicing provolone" sold in delis is bland-to-the-max.

Cheddar cheese is great stuff (the world's most abundant cheese if you can believe a Monty Python skit) but "Longhorn cheese" is a poor substitute which looks the same but has no flavor.

Does anyone here think American cheese has ANY flavor?

You simply gotta get the good stuff. Read that as "pay for the good stuff".
It always makes me smile when I see these european cheese names here in Northamerica. In Europe cheese is very regional as once out of that region the grasses are different and therefore so is the taste of the cheese. Can't think why they don't use a local N.A. name. Time to develop our own identity?
I agree with 123Saab, Try the hard provolone, SHARP! Like a good Italian cheese. A great grating cheese. Regular provolone is what I get on hoagies subs. Either or both are enjoyable in a salad.
Domestic provola is quite bland and soft. A smoked version gives a bit more flavour while retaining the same texture. As previously mentioned, the Italian version however has a sharp and almost spicy flavour and firmer texture depending on it's age. The imported Auricchio pictured above is popular.
Try the real provalone from Italy if you like cheese. I don't know what the substance they make as provalone in America is.

But it's not a cheap cheese -- at least $10/lb.
Smoked provolone is amazing on pizza!! But it has to be browned and toasted on top. Delicious! Mr Gatti's back in the day (1970s-80s) used provolone instead of mozzarella. It was my favorite pizza before they changed the formula.
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