Anybody use the hose attachment on there mowers?

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Mar 22, 2012
Berks County/Pa.
My new lawn mower has a hose attachment on the deck. Wondering if anyone uses the hose attachment on theres and what are your likes or dislikes about it?

I'd recommend against it. On all of the mowers I've seen it doesn't do much for built up grass besides make it wet which causes decks to rot. I've found the best way is to just scrape off all the grass build up every once in awhile, or before end of season storage.
If you only mow dry grass then you rarely need to clean the underside (unless you are really OCD).
On a rider they say it is a good way to get water in the bearings on the blade deck.

My rider builds up a LOT under the deck, so yes I do wash it out. Average about a cup and a half.

8th year and no bearings killed yet

I've used it a time or two, long enough to realize it just adds to the caking problem.
after mowing under deck meet pressure washer
Originally Posted By: ragtoplvr
On a rider they say it is a good way to get water in the bearings on the blade deck.

My rider builds up a LOT under the deck, so yes I do wash it out. Average about a cup and a half.

8th year and no bearings killed yet


Where in the heck did you hear this??? NO bearings should have water in them period! Water under the deck is bad news and will cause rust and rotting on any mower. The hose fitting is a gimmick that does not work.
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I tried it. Put the hose on the quick connect, fired up the tractor, engaged the blades. Works good.. Provided the deck is mostly clean. If its already matted I would not, will soak the grass and make it rust IMO. If you did that after every cut might work good.
My hose isn't long enough to let me mow the entire yard with the water running under the deck. It does seem to do a nice job of watering the grass though.
Originally Posted By: Ryan
I’ve used it before, I don’t think it really does anything though.
Did you use it with the mower running ?
No, they are not as effective as tilting the mower and then wash off underneath.
Jeepman hit it on the head. I tried mine after the first time I used it, when the grass was dry. The hose made it a big huge wet matt of slop that then had me flip the mower over and wash off by hand.
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