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Apr 23, 2003
Nowhere NM
Am I the only person who does NOT have a Facebook or Twitter account? I'm a rather boring fellow and refuse to bore people with trivial drivel.

They are only going to steal your personal data and sell it. I can't believe they haven't started a multi billion dollar class action suit against the Zooky!
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I haven't FB'd much since the toxicity of the last election. I liked it for pics of kids and vacations and food, even if some folks are awful braggy and others awful low class.

I can do without and mostly have. If I never signed in again I wouldn't really miss it.
Facebook is a great networking tool. You don't have to post on it (I never do) and if people bore or annoy you can remain connected but not follow their feed. I unfollow feeds instantly with political leanings or meme(pictures with lame words). I have 280 "friends" which is a decent address book. When I travel somewhere I contact person in locale I have known in my life/career etc.

A small business is absolutely stupid not to create a page with basic picture, address, and contact info as it is free and search engines pick it up.
I've virtually abandoned posting on FB. I find I can live my life quite happily without pictures of cute kittens...
Never been on either and never will. I think it's just another addiction. Have no need for it. I cut cable TV and went to antenna which is HD and free. Very happy with that decision, almost two years now.
About five years ago, my new at the time manager started every quarterly meeting with an "icebreaker". You had to tell or say something in relation to a question that was posed to the group. I believe the question in this instance was "What don't you have that you're happy to not have in your life??" My answer was "a Facebook account"...and I almost got a round of applause the response was so positive. I'll never forget that...so my guess is that you're far from alone and ultimately by degrees safer on line.
I personally never put anything I want privacy on it. Mainly because I do not trust all my friends, some of them can be closet bully if you know them since the high school days.

FB themselves I'm fine with. You are signing up for a free service and they want to know the big data, just like anything free on the internet anyways.
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I get on facebook a few times a week just to see pics of what family and friends are up to and follow a few things of interest so that it feeds me the news on those topics. I don't post much myself though. I know they track me since their source of revenue is advertising and I'm fine with that since the service is free.
Never had it and never will. I don't care about how your day was, how you feel, what you watch on TV, what movie you saw, what your eating, when you last went to the toilet, what he/she will do, did, wants to do, might do or anything else, I don't give a fiddlers ef.
If I feel the need to talk to someone or someone want to talk to me pick up the phone and make it short, I don't need the thing trying to take root in my ear.
I have no interest in being another poser on their pages.
Watching Suckerberg and Facejam in the news ruined my evenings a few weeks back
No facebook here either. I think at times I should check it out just because I should do a better job of
keeping in touch with others. Not there yet tho.
No,not by a long shot, millions and millions of us do just fine without Fakebook.I have relatives and friends that have tried without success to get me to get a fakebook account, but I politely decline. My friends and relatives that I want to interact with have 3 ways to contact me:they have my phone #, e mail and address. Of course I probably only check e mail every month or so, so their best bet is contact me is by phone ,mail or in person. FB might be free, but the price is pretty high, it comes at the price of the users private data. I doubt if you are missing anything by not having Facebook or Twitter, Smoky 14.
I joined it back in 2005 when it was for colleges only and it was pretty great. Once they let everyone join it.. what a joke it became.
Are you Kidding?

We've got BITOG!

Seriously? NO and No.

When I was unemployed ( Manufacturing Jobs outsourced to Malaysia) in 2002 I was pressured to put a profile on LinkedIn.

I'm really sort of a hermit ... only sparingly social.
To keep up with dispersed real friends and family, it is handy as you share a picture of what your kids are up to once, and everyone can see it, and share comments, post "remember when's" to other family members. I suppose you could do alot of it with mailing lists, but once people start replay all'ing, that gets to be annoying in itself.
Also organizing something like a family reunion, a private facebook event is an easy way to keep track of who's doing what. Then everyone can share pictures of what was going on and its all stored and accessible for years to come.
I'm no expert on everything you can do, but keeping your friend list to actual friends and adjusting the settings on your news feed can make it more useful than annoying.
I used to live on it 24/7. (No surprise right). Been off it almost a year now. There are things I miss and things I don't.
Originally Posted By: pbm
I don't use FB....However, I find it hypocritical that when the last POTUS's campaign used it there was no problem....but when the current POTUS's campaign used it...all he** breaks loose.

You may want to check that. The amount that these two guys have used social media differs BIGLY. Not even close. Its not even a real comparison.
I got text barraged by my friends wanting me to join, after 10 years of saying No thanks.

So I signed up a few days before this latest data stealing brewhaha erupted.

What I see on their feeds is mostly simply oneupman ship, bragging, and Look at MEEEEEEEE.

I pretty much despise all three of those human 'qualities' and question if these people i've known since childhood are really my friends as we now have nothing in common but the locations where we grew up and some memories.

So I do not participate.

I've gotten so many friend requests from people I never heard of. Seems like people place importance of the number of facebook friends they have. Kind of pathetic really.

I do check out some pics of women in the 'people you might know', but once again the me me me meme makes me glad it is not my job to keep them happy or amused, or secure.

I have found and checked out some pages of people from my past who I had completely forgotten about, but do not send any 'friend' requests. They are in my past, I am in theirs, and 'how in the heck are you?' types of communications are things I prefer to avoid as I do not care to aquire shiny objects, nor display them, or have my entire self confidence rely on the number and quality of shiny objects that I possess, and I certainly do not care about theirs.

Messenger is better than SMS texting on Android.

As far as the data stealing, Google likely has way more data than FB will ever collect on me.
I do not see any way around it and figure everything is recorded somewhere, ultimately to try and sell me something I do not want or need.

Social media is a tool and i will use it, and try not to let it use me and waste my time.
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