Favorite organic, quality supplement source?

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Dec 1, 2014
I buy the majority of my nutritional supplements from Mountain Rose Herbs - https://www.mountainroseherbs.com/ . Their quality and price are both outstanding. In fact they're the best I've found (so far), but they don't have everything I'm looking for.

For example, they don't have: nutritional yeast, (organic only) liver powder, oyster shell powder, etc.

I'm looking for quality products at fair prices. Does anyone have a favorite source(s) for nutritional supplements they care share with me?

Thank you!


I don't know if you are looking for organic whey protien, but this is the best I have found at a very reasonable price. It tastes like very mild cheese (in a good way)
I've often wondered if supplements are actually beneficial or are they just gimmicks? It seems there's so many of them.
Supplements are absolutely beneficial, but it also depends on what you're trying to solve/achieve.

Chinese and Ayurvedic medicine date back thousands of years versus over 100+ for Western Medicine. The Chinese believe that food IS the medicine; they're not mutually exclusive.

Originally Posted By: aquariuscsm
I've often wondered if supplements are actually beneficial or are they just gimmicks? It seems there's so many of them.

I have studied quite a bit of sports nutrition and some general nutrition in my time (two advanced degrees including a PhD in Exercise Science). Most supplements are not useful for most people. That said, if you are ill or looking for top performance, then they can be very important as long as you take the right ones. The first thing is to get your diet right, and then if necessary supplement with supplements. The problem is that if you follow the USDA or AHA diet guidelines you're destined to be sick. Healthy people don't make money for big pharma and hospitals. Primal/paleo/and even South Beach are pretty good guidelines to follow.
Originally Posted By: aquariuscsm
I've often wondered if supplements are actually beneficial or are they just gimmicks? It seems there's so many of them.

Only if you have a poor diet in the first place. Which unfortunately most of north America and Europe does have.
Processed foods from big businesses which only care about profits make up far too much of the regular diet of most of us. It is in the interests of pharmaceutical corporations to keep us eating a poor diet so they can sell us their supplements.
It is a fact that the UK as a nation was never in better shape from a nutritional viewpoint than during the strict rationing of WW2. We didn't need supplements then because we had a good balanced diet.

Originally Posted By: wallyuwl
The first thing is to get your diet right, and then if necessary supplement with supplements.

AGREE 100%

Originally Posted By: wallyuwl
Healthy people don't make money for big pharma and hospitals.

But... dang, they sure do try@!!!!!!!!
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