Federated Auto EX oil filter

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Mar 20, 2015

Well this filter should be familiar to some of us. It is the exact same oil filter that was selling in Autozone as the STP XL. Exact same specs... 99% @ 20 microns. Built like a tank. Premium Guard is the seller of this filter which is made in South Korea.

But this filter was only $5.39 an everyday price at Federated Auto. It was $8.69 at Autozone. So, for $5.39 everyday price is not all too shabby.
I think Mr. Whiskers should have the final say. Thank you.
Yeah that Ms. Whiskers

She's my buddy when I am not hitting on all 6 cylinders. Coco is her name. And she is a tough kitty. And she loves roughhousing,hunting and generalized mayhem
Nice center tube ... lots of big holes. High efficiency too ... cut it open after use.
Yeah Zee0six I should do just that.

And seriously at $5.39 everyday price is quite a decent deal there. Heck I priced out their premium rotors for my car and they were WAY cheaper than AZ. $31 vs $60. Very similar in presentation. Painted black brake rotors.

And this filter is heavy too. Like a Mobil 1 oil filter is.
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Good find bbhero! We don't have Federated parts stores in my area. I'll bet this is the "Private Label Package" version of the Premium Guard Extended Life oil filter available on RockAuto, but you got it for a better price when you consider shipping costs on RA.

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Yeah but that's the baseline roopty Doo Pentius PG. Rates for 3k to 4500 miles.

The EXACT same filter like mine on here which is rates for 10k miles, Synthetic media, rated 99% @ 20 microns is $4.74..

Big difference in those two filters....
You are right Nygotha. It is what you say it is. And yeah at $5.39 that's rather good overall. This will be one of a couple filters I will go to for my oil filter needs. The Champion Lab oil filter from Pep Boys is another one as well. Plus the Fram orange 7317s with silicone ADBVs.
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Looking forward to the post-use C&P's from you amigo!

My fleet isn't due for O/FCI until Sep. unless we log some hefty miles between now & then. Which is possible, we're helping out one of our nieces who doesn't have her DL yet. She's been accepted to University of Houston Honors Program in their College of Engineering. She scored a 1400 on the SAT blowing away my 1200 back almost 40 years ago now. I'll be driving down on day trips this summer to help her get her required in-car hours on her learner's permit, then probably taking my truck to move her in the fall.
There are (2) Federated auto parts stores here where I live (within 6 miles & 14 miles of my house). Would it be wise of me to check them for the equivalent to the FL-400S that my trucks engine calls for? One of the stores just recently had a GRAND OPENING sale.
I would check them out Blue. Just to see what they've got. I would think the likely have their full synthetic oil on sale for $3.29 a qt as well... And I'd bet the filter would likely be well priced.
Originally Posted By: BlueOvalFitter
There are (2) Federated auto parts stores here where I live (within 6 miles & 14 miles of my house). Would it be wise of me to check them for the equivalent to the FL-400S that my trucks engine calls for? One of the stores just recently had a GRAND OPENING sale.

I have one within walking distance of the house. They're always very friendly up there and seems like a mom and pop operation. One of the few places that carries Duragloss products. And if they don't have a DG product in stock they can have it there the same day if you request it in the morning. They even have some Collinite 845 in stock.

I need a new oil filter so will prob pick one soon. Could use some new rotors as well, so great info. Seems like quality for a reasonable price.
More pics of the cat!

I don't usually buy filters from the Federated parts house - all they carry is Hastings and Casite.
I bet she would like some of these. Only bad part is she will start expecting them the same time every day. I remember someone recommending them when I was looking for cat food. And sure enough she loved them. Widely available. Oh and limit how many you give her at a time, maybe 5 at the most.

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