Back feels weak and tired?

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Nov 29, 2009
What causes this? I've had this issue for a long time where I'll be on my feet and it feels like I'm carrying a bunch of extra weight. I'll have to sit down for 5 minutes or so to get it to go away.
Probably sitting in the chair too much posting on bitog.

Sitting in chair is harder on back than standing.

Seriously though.. no one here is going to give you Doctor advice.. suggest you go see one.
I had a similar feeling a few years ago. There were times that it felt like I had concrete blocks on my feet! I would be out of breath . I went to the doctor thinking I may have some heart problems. After some tests it turned out I had an under active thyroid. I'm on daily medication and feel fine I suggest you see your doctor. An under active thyroid can cause a lot of other serious problems the longer it goes untreated.
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If it's your lower back,

Originally Posted By: aquariuscsm
Get some dumbbells (aka) bimbos and start doing back strengthening exercises.

Do you take a multivitamin with minerals?
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How are your ab muscles? Your abs support your back a good bit. Make sure you bend your knees and tighten your abs when lifting.
You gotta work on your glutes. Really common that most people have weak glutes and their back compensates. +1 on whoever said to work on your core as well.

High school was 10 years ago, can't think your body is still there!
Originally Posted By: motor_oil_madman
No. I weigh 120 pounds. Lol

How tall are you?
Originally Posted By: spasm3

How are your ab muscles? Your abs support your back a good bit. Make sure you bend your knees and tighten your abs when lifting.
+1 I'll add day after day you complain about your Fat out of shape A$$ get of your A$$ and do something about it you sound like some whiney A$$ Bit%h every single day!!!
Sounds like you need to see the doctor and make sure there's nothing wrong and start working out.
Originally Posted By: Nyogtha
Get some dumbbells (aka) bimbos and start doing back strengthening exercises.

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