Gas prices going up?

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Nov 29, 2009
Increasing .10 every week here just about. Heard it was opec holding back the supply. Is it going to keep going up?
With their 12 cents per gallon tax increase starting in 2018, people in California are paying a state gasoline tax of 41.7 cents per gallon on top of the federal 18.3 cents per gallon. Math says that's 60 cents per gallon!
We just went to 2.999 here in northeast PA. It was 2.699 in Nov.

20 miles away in NJ it's 2.589.

Go another 10 miles into NY and it's 2.659
Could be related to ELDs in 18 wheelers... Especially if the additives are having to be trucked across long distances. This would be possible in some markets and regional areas.
Was reading last year that come 2019 -- we will be producing more barrels daily then Saudi Arabia. Yet there gas over there to buy is 27 cents a gallon. We are just pawns!!
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Originally Posted By: BAJA_05
Was reading last year that come 2019 -- we will be producing more barrels daily then Saudi Arabia. Yet there gas over there to buy is 27 cents a gallon. We are just pawns!!

Where have you been Baja? The current price of gasoline in Saudi Arabia is $2.06 per gallon. The Saudi Government has been reducing subsidies since the oil price collapsed in 2015. Check

The amazing growth in US oil production has come from the Permian Basin in West Texas. The Permian production has climbed by just over a million bbls/day in 5 years and yes America will now be producing more oil than Saudi Arabia, but this doesn’t mean you’re going to get free gasoline.

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Originally Posted By: TmanP
I'm sure it will... but crude prices fell a ridiculously high amount today... strange.

The stock market had it’s largest drop since 2011 just a few days ago. They are related. Anticipation of lower growth caused the traders to bet against oil prices.

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2.28 here for regular 87 or 2.88-2.98 for 93

But where I live we jump around. up 40cents.. down 5 down 5 down 3 down 5 up 30cents.. etc.. its like gambling.

Gas here is always 25cents cheaper than PA easily unless its an on highway gas station those are high.
Originally Posted By: 2strokeNorthstar
Yes, thank you CA voters for the $3.50 gal. fuel! Hopefully with our Gov. gone in November some of this nonsense will be fixed. Probably not.

Oh please let it be so... It costs so much to own vehicles in this state!
There are too many people on the road. Grid-lock and long idle times on the "freeways" around here. I want $2/gal gas tax so we can get about 1/2 of them off "my roads" ...
Originally Posted By: motor_oil_madman
Increasing .10 every week here just about. Heard it was opec holding back the supply. Is it going to keep going up?

No. It will be going back down again shortly.
Originally Posted By: Snagglefoot
In spite of the high oil production America still imports a net volume of almost 5 million bbls/day. Most of it comes from Canada.


Last time I filled up , E10 was $ 2.25 .

I had rather buy oil ( and send them our $$$ ) from Sanada , than the mid east .
None of these prices come close to northern Europe. Last time I was there, gas in Holland was ~$9/gallon ... Most of it taxes to pay for their subsidized trains and inner city transit, etc.

However, train travel in Europe is really nice, especially first class. Not over-crowded and good service.

Second class - whole nuther ball game ...
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