Alcohol use for the buzz, taste or both?

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Mar 17, 2008
I am not a drinker. Been drunk once in my life at 22 to see what it was like. Not Good!
I don't really like the taste and it gives me heartburn.
How about you?
I really don't care for the buzz and the taste isn't that good in my opinion . Although I do not partake in the consumption of alcoholic beverages a Margarita with a float of Gran Marnier is interesting. My wife asks me if I want a taste and some times I'll take a teaspoon taste.
Alcohol use for the buzz, taste or both?

None of the above. Use it in strict moderation for the lifespan enhancement and cardio benefits. Google "J shaped curve alcohol" and read up. We now know that alcohol is cardio-protective in small quantities. One drink per day is a very good choice and reduces all cause mortality. There are a large number of studies. All say the same thing.

I choose quality rum and bourbon, never more than one drink.


Right from the government:


Put another way, statistically, one drink extends life by 2.5 to 4.5 years. It almost does not matter what type of alcohol either. We've known for centuries that red wine in moderation was a good choice. Now it seems it's not just the wine, but the ethanol that is cardio protective. Red wine does seem to have a statistical advantage though.
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I was a heavy drinker for a good 15 years or so. I was all about the Buzz. Then I bought a bar. Owned it for ten years and got to witness all the bad effects of alcohol.
Sold the bar in 2009 and pretty much don't drink anything now. Haven't been drunk or buzzed since 2006. I do like a taste every now and then but that's it.
Originally Posted By: Blkstanger
I was a heavy drinker for a good 15 years or so. I was all about the Buzz. Then I bought a bar. Owned it for ten years and got to witness all the bad effects of alcohol.
Sold the bar in 2009 and pretty much don't drink anything now. Haven't been drunk or buzzed since 2006. I do like a taste every now and then but that's it.

Knew a heavy drinker that bought a bar. Not a good idea. Both he and the bar went downhill fast.
Man I love an ice cold beer.

Hot wings and some ice cold Genny. Think I'll pick up a 30 pack of Cream Ale tonight for the weekend.

Ithaca Beer makes some real nice brews -- Apricot Wheat, Flower Power

If in mixed company, I'll choose a Crown and Coke.

To answer the question, both.
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Perhaps I'm not sophisticated enough, but the taste of most of it isn't good enough to justify. That said, there are some beers, wines, and mixed drinks I do enjoy. If it amounts to one drink a week, I'm surprised.
I'm an alcoholic. I started drinking in high school, but in college is where I "blossomed"

I'm 42 years old and have been sober for almost 12 years.

I work a program of recovery that I hope blesses me with continuous sobriety. It's worked pretty well so far. I'm a lot better person without booze. Absolutely.
There is mounting evidence that alcohol consumption is very detrimental to your health . It is by far the the most dangerous drug in the world. Society has been brainwashed to ignore or overlook this simple fact for at least the last 100 years, while economic interests continue colluding with the government to suppress competition, propping up the liquor industry and Big Pharma:
Never had a beer (or anything alcoholic) in my life.
I just never had the desire.

When in High School, a lot of kids would talk about getting beer for the Weekend.
I was more into hunting.
I hate the taste of alcohol. I do not know how many people can drink beer. Its awful. Harder stuff just burns my mouth.

I take 1 shot of Whisky a year. We go to a small tourist trap of a town and the only place that has a toilet is the bar but its for paying customers only. So I buy 1 shot,drink it down and head to the bathroom.
Nothing better than a good buzz. But you have to buzz responsibly. Time and Place and absolutely NO driving. Allow for recovery time. Steady drinking requires food and rest. Once a yr for a few days in a cabin with my brothers is about all these days.
I drink a beer or two to loosen up in social situations. Also a cold beer after yard work is nice. I don't drink.liquor.
Hereditary medical condition means I have stick to a strict moderate limit as Cujet outlined above, I have broken this rule once (one of my best friends Stag Do and it was intentional as it was Scotch tasting) in the past 4 years since I was diagnosed.
I like the taste of Red Wine and Ales in particular, I am comfortable with having a few drinks a few times a week in the evenings when the kids are in bed and have followed this pattern for the last 15 years; I drink for the taste, I don't drink enough in one evening (especially as its slowly) to feel anywhere near drunk or get a Buzz.
Originally Posted By: UberArchetype
There is mounting evidence that alcohol consumption is very detrimental to your health . It is by far the the most dangerous drug in the world. Society has been brainwashed to ignore or overlook this simple fact for at least the last 100 years, while economic interests continue colluding with the government to suppress competition, propping up the liquor industry and Big Pharma:

Same thing has been happening with marijuana. It's equal to booze in it's detrimental effects and is also propped up as some sort of "harmless" and "natural" drug for the masses.
It's not.
I like alcohol, for the taste and the effects in moderation. A dark strong beer or two out on the ice while fishing hits the spot, flavour and effects wise if the fishing is slow. But I'd prefer the fishing to keep me busy enough not to bother!
Originally Posted By: andrewg
Same thing has been happening with marijuana. It's equal to booze in it's detrimental effects and is also propped up as some sort of "harmless" and "natural" drug for the masses. It's not.

You are a seriously misinformed individual if you believe listing pot as Schedule-1 under the U.S. Controlled Substances Act constitutes "propping up."

I am talking about government-codified propping up - not the ramblings of misinformed, brainwashed alcoholics.
I drink a half a bottle of south American red wine every night. Weekends I'll partake in a few beers or a little bourbon if we are with friends.

I haven't drank enough to get a buzz in six or eight months. Bourbon for that.
Originally Posted By: andyd
absolutely NO driving.

On the road. Yes.

Off-road on your own property, your choice.

I've been so drunk I couldn't even properly stand, yet I could thread a 4x4 on 35s through saplings without so much as kissing the door.
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