Who Plows Your Roads?

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Sep 2, 2005
Around here the County Road Commission plows our roads. Are these the same guys that fill in pot holes and replace guard rails? If so....what other jobs do they do in the summer? While were on the subject...what other jobs do they do in the winter?
Here in NJ, we have Interstate roads, state roads, county roads, and local roads. Each has a different crew that does the plowing. The NJ Turnpike is usually the best cleaned in the state. They don't skimp on trucks or salt/sand/brine. That crew works for the turnpike, I assume. Have a friend that drives a heavy truck for the county; he gets called in to plow when it snows. If it's really bad snow, they'll outfit garbage truck with plows and send them out to clear snow. They plow my residential street with a pickup truck.
Originally Posted By: Warstud
Around here the County Road Commission plows our roads. Are these the same guys that fill in pot holes and replace guard rails? If so....what other jobs do they do in the summer? While were on the subject...what other jobs do they do in the winter?

Around here they also mow grass and run the street sweeper....
A mish-mosh. Numbered state roads are done by the state except sometimes in low speed limit areas there'll be a "DOT Compact- Urban line" sign and then the town takes over. Delivers the treat of inconsistent results.

Our state DOT pays $13.50/ hr and has a 100-point system for smashing innocent bystanding objects. IDK all the details but it sounds like once you get to 100 your career is in need of some counseling.
If it ever did snow here the whole city would be screwed. Although I have a few redneck friends that would probably enjoy hooking plows up to tow trucks and rolling coal all over town.
Town and state.

No need for winter tires the roads are black within hours of storm because the salt and sand they pour in copious amounts.
In our small area there is 4 layers:

1. Village (city streets)
2. Township (country roads)
3. County (country highways)
4. State (state highways/interstates)
We live in a low property tax area and our roads only get plowed if there is an enormous dumping of snow and even then they remain about 2-4" packed of snow/ice and white in colour all winter.

My folks live on a rural highway and it's cleaned every hour. (Same city).
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I think it's the state that plows the roads here, and they only need to do it once a year, or less. And when they do, they tear up all of the raised reflectors between lanes.
In Sask. the RM, rural municipality does the roads. They usually contract out to haul the gravel for the roads but they do all the grading in the summer and winter.
Town trucks. I live on a main ambulance, fire truck route and near a major highway so it's usually plowed before I get up in the morning. Other streets, not so much. I live near a salt barrack where all the trucks are parked so that probably plays a role.
Town and state. I live right off a state road that gets plowed by PennDot, but my street gets done by the town. All they have is a 3/4 ton Dodge with a plow and salt spreader. First winter moving here I was prepared to fight the guy for shutting my driveway in after I just cleared it. He doesn't do that again
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