Accident today...

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Mar 20, 2015
Well after 24 yrs of no rear end accidents I finally had another one today. Today a bunch of vehicles in front of me got on the brakes pretty hard 8 out 10 scale. I do not follow to close and I have it Duralast brakes on the front of my car. I stopped about two vehicles short of the world champions in front of me. I saw the guy behind me coming up... No braking, nothing. Wam. Pretty good contact made. I am a bit irritated because my car has been through the ringer since I bought it. Anyhow, a parking lot near by so I went in there. And surprisingly I was not really mad by the time I got parked. He got out of his car and said, " I am sorry. You all right?". I told him I was ok just my left shoulder and left side of my neck hurt a bit. About 4-5 out of 10. Not a big deal really. Not worth seeking further help. By the way.. I was going to my doctor for an appointment anyhow. I told it is all right. Things happen. And we exchanged information. I did not bother to call the police... Should have I know. But I did not have time to wait around for them to get there. I needed to get to my appointment because it was a "fit in" appointment. So, it really was a favor by my doctor to see me anyhow. I asked him how fast he was going.. He said about 20 mph. I'd say he is probably right about that. Maybe 25 tops. Anyhow I told him I am glad that the main thing is that he was ok and so was I. We talked about where he from Michigan, and Michigan football. How did like the area he is in here in southeast Va. Where he was going. He is in the Navy. He was a bit socially awkward but he was cool. I am glad I didn't overreact or stay all mad about it. I was not impressed with my car having yet another incident. But that is what it is. I thought about the times where I have almost done the same thing as him. Two times I smoked the tires avoiding hit someone from behind. In those two times a very pretty lady held my attention for far too long
Thankfully I was not tailgating. That saved me in those two incidents. One other time I was just being a space cadet and again because I had a very good following distance I was able to keep from hitting a white SUV in front of me. So, I have been there as well.

Ohh and the accident from 23 yrs ago one if the prettiest lady's in my graduating class Start Miller hit me going at least 30 mph. That was a bit of a hard hit there. Her and I never ever spoke to each other in school. We did that day. Both of us hurting but ok. Funny yet true story.. 3 yrs later I saw her at a gym near us. I asked her if she remembered me at all. She said, "ohh yeah I sure do. You're the guy I ran into our senior year." I told her, " well at least I got hit by one of the prettiest and nicest young ladies in our class". She thanked me for that compliment and laughed a bit too. I plan on asking her this same question at a future school reunion event.
Good to hear you are okay. I’m guessing your neck and shoulder will stiffen up as the night goes on. I hope that is not the case.

These things happen so quickly. Was it the Altima you were driving?
Yea maybe should have called police. But sounds like straight forward. He hit you and you have damage to prove it. You are good.
Glad you're OK. I'd have probably grabbed as many photos as I could with my phone, given no police involvement, but perhaps i'm just paranoid. You're in the driver's seat with this one anyway.
Glad you are OK.

I got hit in 2011 with the Santa Fe in the same manner. I stopped short of hitting the guy in front of me until I got ran into by someone not paying attention at 80km/hr.
Glad you're alright! Luckily you're a nurse so you know how to treat yourself too.

I know how you feel, I was rear ended 2/16 and 4/17. Hoping it'll stop.
Last week I was driving on the highway when traffic suddenly came to a stop. The car right behind me got rear-ended HARD and got pushed forward, almost hitting me. He must've been less than a foot away from my bumper when he finally came to a stop.
Yeah I agree Wemay. That's what matters. I told the young fella that as well. Parts being replaced is no big thing. Versus having real deal severe joint injuries etc etc..

Yeah PimTac this was the Altima coupe. That car has had 6 accidents in 5 years. Only part of it that hasn't had contact is the roof. Guess a Talladega barrel roll is all that's left for that
If I wasn't unconscious, I'd make myself unconscious!

I'd be waiting the flashing blue/red lights and the lawyers to get there.
Ha! I got rear-ended today too. Some young kid ran into me on the freeway this morning. I was in a work truck going to pick up my work truck that was in the shop. Only put a scratch on the truck I was driving. His 2003 Honda was a mess. Glad your wasn't serious. The hardest part of mine was filling out our Company accident report.
Holy cow.. ain't that something. Yeah I bet the paperwork part was the most trifling part of the whole ordeal there. Amazing what a difference in size between vehicles can produce or not produce in terms of damage from a accident.
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“Yeah PimTac this was the Altima coupe. That car has had 6 accidents in 5 years. Only part of it that hasn't had contact is the roof. Guess a Talladega barrel roll is all that's left for that.”

For your sake let’s not go there.
When my older son was 16 and only had his license for a month, he hit this lady driving a new Lexus SUV. The lady was driving her daughter, who was on the cheerleading squad, and 5-6 other cheerleaders home from something. They were all classmates of my son, so it was a pretty embarrassing scene for him.
Glad you're okay.

It's been exactly a week now since my close brush with death and it's almost like it never happened. The wife's bruises are fading nicely and for some reason, her black eye never really developed as we initially feared. Neither of us have any signs of whiplash or woken up with the screaming abdabs! I've even got a email from the rental company saying that insurance-wise, I have absolutely nothing to pay, despite writing-off their car.

I would like to think I'm a bit wiser now regarding what car I'd accept as a rental car in future. Articles like this do need to be properly digested...
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