Pet peeves while driving?

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Aug 3, 2017
Here's a few of mine:

People slowing down to 5 mph to make a turn.

Prius drivers constantly going 5 under the speed limit.

Anyone in the left lane going the speed limit or less and not moving over when possible.

Not having headlights on in the rain.

Not turning left on red when going from a one way to a one way.

Stopping at a roundabout when there's no traffic. It's a YIELD.

Anyone else?
Anyone else?
People that drift to the left before a right turn, tells me they learned to drive with a 1972 Electra or other boat.

Drivers that don't know their headlights and tail lights are off, well because the dash lights are all must be good?

Harley riders that feel the need to blip the throttle for our shared delight at each stoplight.

People that have a nice new car, but mount rear the license plate with rusty fasteners, leaves a rust really irks me!

People that don't know their turn at a 3 or 4 way stop sign intersection.

Cars that are clearly neglected, both cosmetically and mechanically. That rear beam axle that bounces all over while the driver plods along. We all know the brakes are bad, the thing is a hazard to all around.

Snow zone drivers that don't clear their windows!
People not signaling or looking when switching lanes. I signal all the time and lots of time people who don't sing'e try to move into the same lane I'm going for. In those cases, it kinda depends who's more in the lane.

Oblivious drivers who feel that just because they signal, they can switch lanes without checking in heavy traffic.

People who try to merge on highway traffic doing 30 mph when all the traffic is zipping by at 60-70.
Cell phone users at stop lights, waiting on the person behind to notify them by horn when the light has turned greened. Caused 2 to 4 people to not get through the light. Ed
Originally Posted By: Wolf359
People who try to merge on highway traffic doing 30 mph when all the traffic is zipping by at 60-70.

Especially when they are in front of me leaving me to also have to merge while going 30 mph!
Tailgaters, people that speed up to cut in front of you then slow down and people not signaling when turning or cutting in front of you.
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I've noticed that people who drive cars are inadvertent to trucks whether it's 18 wheelers or pickups. So many close calls because some moron can't afford to be behind me for 5 seconds so they rather cut me off and slam on their brakes just to pull in to a fast food store.
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Originally Posted By: KGMtech

Harley riders that feel the need to blip the throttle for our shared delight at each stoplight.

Originally Posted By: 14Accent

Anyone in the left lane going the speed limit or less and not moving over when possible.

Not having headlights on in the rain.

People that blow my doors off right out of a light and wind up in my way less than 2 miles later because I drive efficiently

Drivers that I can guess, before I pass them, are using a cell phone.

And by far the biggest peeve of all these: Those that drive 50-55 on the 2-lane and/or curvy portion of the road but gain 10 MPH as soon as the passing lane opens up... and I pull out to pass.
Originally Posted By: Alex_V

And by far the biggest peeve of all these: Those that drive 50-55 on the 2-lane and/or curvy portion of the road but gain 10 MPH as soon as the passing lane opens up... and I pull out to pass.

Unsafe drivers are my biggest pet-peeve.

The driver who goes 15 over the speed limit when everyone else is going 5 over.
The driver who passes in a no-pass zone because someone is not going fast enough for them, usually the speed limit.
The driver who crosses over the center line while looking at the cell phone, happens everywhere, every day.
The driver who speeds through school zones, again every day.
The driver who does 75+ while driving on a space-saver spare.
The driver who doesn't yield to someone in a round-about.

I can go on all day.
Idiots making all kinds of reckless maneuvers so that they can stand at the red light in front of me, instead of behind me.
Drivers that can't do 55 on the open road, but drive 45 when it drops going into town where it's 30.

Drivers on a 4 lane road pulling in front of you to get in the passing lane instead of waiting for you to go by.

Drivers that don't move over for pedestrians when there's no sidewalk even if there's no oncoming traffic.
People who step on the gas when I pass.

People who drive slowly to get to the next traffic light and then run the yellow thus [censored] me over
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People who pass me on the right and give me the finger when I’m driving and trying to text!
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Everything in the OP. Plus people that just pull out without even looking. Also people that drive very slow in snow...if you feel like you have to reduce your speed from 30 to 15 for a bit of snow, maybe you shouldn't be driving at all in the snow.
Originally Posted By: HoosierJeeper
Also people that drive very slow in snow...if you feel like you have to reduce your speed from 30 to 15 for a bit of snow, maybe you shouldn't be driving at all in the snow.

This! Living in MN this has to be one of the worst. Part of the problem is back in the Jesse Ventura days we got rid of safety inspections so now people drive around with bald tires and have no choice but to grind to a halt when it snows.

If I can manage a snow storm in a RWD 300 horse car with nothing but performance "snow" tires and posi-trac then anyone can manage.
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