Weather interfering with me doing maintenance?

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Nov 29, 2009
So for the last like 3 weeks we've been getting these random storms that pop up and come out of nowhere and I need to change both my oil and the fuel filter. I don't know if I'm being paranoid, but I'd rather not have water dripping down when I do this. Especially with the fuel filter. I can't really fit the truck in the garage either.

Originally Posted By: Donald
Garage was invented for this exact purpose.

The truck doesn't fit in the garage.
I did my lower intake manifold gaskets outside. It felt like I worked up until the rain each night too.

Work whenever it's nice and you're not sleeping, at work, or eating food. You'll get it done.
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Yeah doing maintenance sucks in an uncontrolled environment. I remember doing a transmission fluid change in the rain. I was only wet from the waist down haha
My coworker had a late 80s or early 90s camry he was babying until he got married and he and his wife could move into a new place.

AT failed in February and he changed it out, outside, teens to 30F. Oddly he did not purchase a home with a garage, neither did I; a decision both he and i regret.
I remember changing the rear axle on my Mom's '80 Volare outside, lying on the ground, in the snow, with the back of the car on jackstands in the driveway. This was probably back around 1985 or so, when we used to get REAL winter weather here. Not sure I could do that now, if I had to, in the same conditions.
When I built my home/3 car garage, the vehicles were smaller and I had enough room. Now, 11ft wide per vehicle by 30 long is tight. I don't have room to bring my truck in with the plow on it. I can do oil changes inside, and with some shuffling of 'stuff' rotate & change tires. Just gotta make do 'cause no-one has invented a garage stretcher yet.
Just wait a bit and things will be dry as a bone before long.
I can't believe I'm the first person to say this, but...

Did you know there are places you can take your truck that have people that will do the work for you?
Can you at least pull the nose in the garage?

Do you really need such a big pickup, knowing... it wouldn't fit in your garage.

Some problems are self-made. I see the same pickups sans loads and trailers every day. Lifted, big chrome wheels, dualies, belching smoke... never see a load in them, like, ever.
Originally Posted By: HangFire
Can you at least pull the nose in the garage?

Do you really need such a big pickup, knowing... it wouldn't fit in your garage.

Some problems are self-made. I see the same pickups sans loads and trailers every day. Lifted, big chrome wheels, dualies, belching smoke... never see a load in them, like, ever.

Well mine hauls stuff around and has a trailer hooked to it everyday. My garage has one of those dumb pillars that makes two smaller garage doors instead of one big one.
Originally Posted By: rooflessVW
I can't believe I'm the first person to say this, but...

Did you know there are places you can take your truck that have people that will do the work for you?

Are you crazy??? I'm not letting some idiot 18 year old touch my truck. End up with some gorilla putting that oil filter on tighter than a porn star. Or an impact wrench on the drain plug or something.
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Originally Posted By: motor_oil_madman
My garage has one of those dumb pillars that makes two smaller garage doors instead of one big one.

I have one of those dumb pillars too... between my 9' and my 18' garage door.

But really, you can't even pull the nose in?
Originally Posted By: motor_oil_madman
Originally Posted By: rooflessVW
I can't believe I'm the first person to say this, but...

Did you know there are places you can take your truck that have people that will do the work for you?

Are you crazy??? I'm not letting some idiot 18 year old touch my truck. End up with some gorilla putting that oil filter on tighter than a porn star. Or an impact wrench on the drain plug or something.
I dont want some senior citizen touching my car. Ending up with some ox putting that oil filter on tighter than the sunday paper.
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