Garlic crop coming in strong

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Jul 27, 2006
Southwest Virginia
I have now harvested 70% of my garlic, the remaining 130 bulbs being Music with a few more days to go. These are about two weeks earlier than normal, probably due to our unusually warm winter and spring. I have them curing on my covered porch, with tables arranged to block wind blown rain, and a fan on a timer to help air circulation (first photo).

The crop is larger than normal, with most bulbs 2.5 inches plus and some over 3 inches. The first garlic photo below is Russian Red (marked "R"), the second is Estonian Red (marked "EST"), and the third is Music (marked "M"). Once cured I will brush them clean, trim them, and store in my cellar.

I reserve the largest 100 bulbs for seed, another 100 bulbs for a friend, 50-100 for use in canning, and the remaining 200 for table stock throughout the year. I am still eating the last dozen bulbs from last year's smaller crop. There is just the two of us but we eat a lot of garlic! Should live to 150.


That's a lot of garlic. I figure we go through about 10 lbs per year ($45)....with 2/3 of that going to me. Cheap insurance.
Originally Posted By: salesrep
How big of plot to grow this many?

Five 50' rows, each with 95 bulbs spaced 6" apart in rows 12" apart. Total is 250 sq ft.
Originally Posted By: salesrep
Why the need for the fan?

Just to increase air flow to dry down (cure) the garlic before storage.
Sour, vinegar-pickled garlic is one of the most delicious foods I've ever tasted, and I pine for it often.

My wife restrains me on account of what it does to my breath
Great looking garlic - those bulbs are huge. I'm a hot pepper man myself - Ghost pepper, Habanero & Scotch Bonnet, Cayenne, Jalapeno etc. My stuff has been growing great this year too - I think the CO2 increase in the atmosphere has helped plants in general.
Can be olefactory issues with the Cruciferae as well.

Once made bubble-and-squeak with a lot of slightly yellowing left-over Christmas Brussel Sprouts.

Tasty but Stenchtastic!
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