Best thing since sliced bread

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Nov 9, 2008
In July of 1928, the world experienced the event to which every other scientific accomplishment is compared. Pre-sliced bread first appeared on store shelves and marked a key step in the mechanization of daily life.

Iowa-born jeweler Otto Frederick Rohwedder invented a crude prototype of his bread slicer in 1912, but a series of problems, including a fire that destroyed his blueprints as well as the prototype, prevented him from refining the design and building a working model until 1928.

Thanks for interesting factoid. The summer camp I went to had a slicer in the kitchen. Since I bake 2 loaves a week in the Zojirushi, I have often wondered what happened to it
Originally Posted By: KGMtech
Excellent! my wife (blonde) gets it mixed up and often blurts out "best thing since sliced chicken!"

Sliced chicken is really a good thing.
Pre-sliced bread pretty much means its not good bread though... Most of the time my wife bakes bread and with a good bread knife its not a big deal to slice it, plus you customize the thickness for each kids sandwich.
I could never slice homemade bread thin enough. But I certainly prefer it.
Originally Posted By: supton
I could never slice homemade bread thin enough. But I certainly prefer it.

I think we have a couple past threads about knifes/preparation knifes... and how to keep them sharp/sharpen them....
Originally Posted By: pandus13
Originally Posted By: supton
I could never slice homemade bread thin enough. But I certainly prefer it.

I think we have a couple past threads about knifes/preparation knifes... and how to keep them sharp/sharpen them....

I can't draw a straight line, much less cut one. yeah, I can get something to guide the knife. At the moment, it's just easier to buy a loaf of bread.
Originally Posted By: KGMtech
Excellent! my wife (blonde) gets it mixed up and often blurts out "best thing since sliced chicken!"


Reminds me of my SO who makes some of the most awkward and strange analogies I've ever heard.
Sliced bread is nasty bread, I usually stay away from it.
I very much prefer slicing my own baked bread with a knife as I needed, fresh and more satisfying, like changing your own oil...
Originally Posted By: supton
Originally Posted By: pandus13
Originally Posted By: supton
I could never slice homemade bread thin enough. But I certainly prefer it.

I think we have a couple past threads about knifes/preparation knifes... and how to keep them sharp/sharpen them....

I can't draw a straight line, much less cut one. yeah, I can get something to guide the knife. At the moment, it's just easier to buy a loaf of bread.

...kneading the bread? (hand made bread... is going to be a work out better then your bike...)
my ultimate creation was french baguettes on a Saturday morning....

you can think of as training for christmas decorations....

...and anybody complaining about straight lines, "...remember about how the settlers lived" ?
Originally Posted By: supton
I could never slice homemade bread thin enough. But I certainly prefer it.

I see from time to time bread slicing guides at the local thrift store. I myself like bread on the thick side. Have a 50 plus year old toaster and it can digest a slice about 3/4 inch or just throw them in the toaster oven buttered for a real treat. The flavor of toasting the bread with the butter is great, especially with some home made raspberry jam
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Originally Posted By: andyd
Thanks for interesting factoid. The summer camp I went to had a slicer in the kitchen. Since I bake 2 loaves a week in the Zojirushi, I have often wondered what happened to it

I also bake about two loaves a week in the Zojirushi. Been doing it for years now and have gotten good at slicing bread. I slice those Zojirushi loaves into 12 slices. Rarely do I mess one up.
Used to get sent down the road to get one and a half loaves of bread, they were just wrapped with a piece of paper. Getting home the half loaf would be hollowed out, I think that's why the extra half grandmother must've seen a lot of hollow half loaves.
Originally Posted By: supton
I can't draw a straight line, much less cut one. yeah, I can get something to guide the knife. At the moment, it's just easier to buy a loaf of bread.

I know what you mean. If I have to slice bread myself, it looks like I took a hatchet to it. My mom used to often bake her own bread, so when I was a kid, she would get rather frustrated with me vandalizing a loaf.
Originally Posted By: KGMtech
Excellent! my wife (blonde) gets it mixed up and often blurts out "best thing since sliced chicken!"

Oh it's quite all right.
I can't carve chicken (or turkey) either, so the analogy works there too for me (do love me a good sammich).

I do like my bread maker (well the wife uses it). But the sandwiches come out a bit on the large side.

Hmm, been a while since I've made bread; maybe next week I should try again. Shake up the diet a bit.
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